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My 18" Plettstone ..... 20" Ultralight ..... and 28" Webster with puddy for scale. Also an iphone 6 snap of Saturn through the 28 from the other night ( the seeing was really good ). I think I have a thing for dobs :tongue:

Luvverly jubberly :-)

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Fabulous scopes!

The last thing I want to do it pour water on such wonderful equipment but I remember seeing a guy in America with a 46 inch I think it was, he must be able to sleep in his, placed it in the garden and use the roof to view from.

Great scopes.

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My 18" Plettstone .....    20" Ultralight  .....     and 28" Webster with puddy for scale. Also an iphone 6 snap of Saturn through the 28 from the other night ( the seeing was really good ). I think I have a thing for dobs :tongue:

Would I be right in saying they are money trees in the back ground ? Great collection and interested to see you have a similar truss design on the 18" to sky-watchers although I am sure far more refined.

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Lots of great scopes on this thread :)

I put this little one together a year ago using an Altair 150p f/5 OTA. The idea was that it would be practice before building a larger truss Dob but that didn't happen.

Now Dobless I'm off to boost moral for the frac clan with a 'show me you frac' thread :grin:  


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Amazing scope Damian!

Where is it now, can you say?

It's locked up in a garage somewhere in Huddersfield although I think the owner is having it motorised

I look forward to seeing it again probably at Kelling heath later this year where hopefully it will share the skies with its smaller sibling (if I ever get this mirror finished!)

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