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Explore Scientific Eyepieces

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Explores Scientific eyepieces can now be purchased at FLO  B)

Our first delivery is scheduled to arrive in 5-7 working days, thereafter we will do our best to keep them in stock and available for overnight delivery. 

As with all eyepieces purchased at FLO they are covered by our 30-day return policy so you can buy with confidence  :angel:

Maxvision 68º 


Maxvision 82º 


ES 68º 


ES 82º 


ES 100º 


ES 120º 


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Excellent - good work! Are the 82 MaxVisions only available in a limited range or even single size? I was looking for a 18mm one a little while ago, but everywhere had out of stock and discontinued, so assumed the rumours about them being limited stock were true?



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I spotted these on your site earlier today and took a double take!

Excellent eyepieces for the money, right up their with TV for build quality and the views they give. I'm very pleased you guys are now selling them, it's a great decision :)

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Excellent - good work! Are the 82 MaxVisions only available in a limited range or even single size? I was looking for a 18mm one a little while ago, but everywhere had out of stock and discontinued, so assumed the rumours about them being limited stock were true?



Yes - unfortunately the 82º MaxVisions are discontinued - only the 24mm is left at the moment.

The same is true of the 68º MaxVisions - stock is becoming scarce and once they are gone, they are gone!

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FLO I really like these EPs and have the 4.7mm, 8.8mm, 14mm and 18mm 82 degree EPs. They are excellent EPs in my Orion VX8 f4.5 and the 4" Astro Tech f6.95 APO frac. I am now looking towards the 11mm and 24mm.

At the moment I can only give a thumbs up to the quality so you have made a good decision in stocking this good collection of EPs.

Well done guys.

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Great news :)

I have been using the 28mm from the 68 degree range in my f/4.7 Skyliner 250PX and it is a great performer. Nice and light for a 2" widefield and very comfortable to observe with my glasses on.

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120 Degrees !! I can see a time in the not to distant future when I'll be looking at the back of my head in the ep ;)

Surely it can only be a good thing that these are now in the capable hands of FLO :)

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120 Degrees !! I can see a time in the not to distant future when I'll be looking at the back of my head in the ep ;)

Surely it can only be a good thing that these are now in the capable hands of FLO

But look at the PRICE  :crybaby2:   :crybaby2:   I take it,  it's not a misprint  :grin:

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Our first delivery of Explore Scientific eyepieces will arrive sometime tomorrow. 

Oh dear! Our delivery has arrived but it wasn't Explore Scientific eyepieces, it was Lunt telescopes and accessories (they have the same distributor). Our first delivery of ES eyepieces is now scheduled for Monday or Tuesday. Sorry about this. Once we received our first delivery we will have the majority of ES eyepieces in stock and will do our best to keep it that way.

Thank-you for your patience. 
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 I'm very pleased you guys are now selling them, it's a great decision  :)

Great stuff FLO  :smiley:

Good eyepieces, excellent to see Flo stocking them

... you have made a good decision in stocking this good collection of EPs.

Well done guys.

Great news  :)

Brilliant! I'll start saving.  :)

... even more tempting as a competitive price too...

Well I'll be blowed!

Everything comes to he who waits! ;)

Great news and well done, we know you were working hard on landing this brand.

Surely it can only be a good thing that these are now in the capable hands of FLO :)

Thank-you, we thought you would be pleased :smile:

We were accepted as a UK retailer for Explore Scientific eyepieces back in Feb 2014 but the prices available to us then did not enable us to be competitive, so we didn't offer them. This year is different. We can now offer ES eyepieces with full UK warranties at competitive prices  B)


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Oh dear! Our delivery has arrived but it wasn't Explore Scientific eyepieces, it was Lunt telescopes and accessories (they have the same distributor). Our first delivery of ES eyepieces is now scheduled for Monday or Tuesday. Sorry about this. Once we received our first delivery we will have the majority of ES eyepieces in stock and will do our best to keep it that way.

Thank-you for your patience. 

Oh please tell me it wasn't a delivery of Lunt 50's? I've just settled for buying the Lunt 35 because all the retailers said I'd be lucky to get one by the end of the year :( 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

What's the difference between the standard es 82 24mm and the maxvision version. The numbers look the same although the shape is different. Might be an odd question but still new to this.

One of these could suit my 250px come upgrade time.

Thanks in advance.

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