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Let's see your 1st DSOs


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  • 1 month later...

Here are my first two, globular clusters M15 (above) and M2 (below), both on 19 September 2015, single exposures, 15 seconds at 800 ISO.

Nikon D40X, on the primary focus of a Skywatcher 200PDS (200 mm diameter, 1000 mm focal length, f/5) on a EQ5 equatorial mount.

Just first experiments, I doubt anyone will get too excited about these :icon_biggrin:





Edited by Cinco Sauces
Added a few more details.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a test. This is my first DSO I would share...

Canon 750D (T6i) on Meade LX90 8"

10/20 X 25 seconds, ISO-1600, DSS & PSCC post process


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  • 1 month later...

It was a few months ago now but my first ever stack of a dso was M 101 the pinwheel galaxy with a canon eos 1200d and Star discovery 150p goto alt az. 

20 x 40s lights darks and bias, stacked and processed  in DSS , ( didn't know how to use startools ) 

I was shocked to see the result, much much better than I had ever expected thanks to the members of SGL especially the No eq dso challenge posters.



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I think this was from around 2010. I remember star hoping to the area where it should be, I couldn't see M51 but I took a short unguided sub anyway. I couldn't believe it when it appeared on screen, I was pretty much a imaging convert from then on!

2011.04.06 M51.JPG

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  • 2 weeks later...

Without tracking, here's my fist attempts with about 2-3 sec exposures at prime focus, M13 a month or so ago and Andromeda Galaxy last night. I am getting loads of great advice on how to improve and can't wait to when I get motors. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

This is my first DSO that I imaged, stacked and integrated into a color image.  This was in November of 2015.  I had not yet learned to shoot flats, so the subs were not calibrated at all.  Orion will soon be in position again, and I am anxious to ride the horse once more.  I used a Televue np101is and the SBIG STT-8300.  I had just switched from the Ioptron IEQ45 to the AP Mach 1--I could not get the Ioptron to work.  It's a change I am glad I made.  If I remember correctly, this image was made with 10 minute subs, though I forget how many.  

2 versions of teh same image.



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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a great thread :hello2:


So here´s my very first DSO that i took back in 2013. Taken with an unmodded EOS 1000d and the Canon 100mm-400mm lens @ 400mm. Unguided on a HEQ-5 SynScan. At that time i was very proud of that pic.

M51 400mm.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

What else for my first target but Andromeda, about 2 years ago when I'd just started out.  Just 3 x 10 mins subs on my unmodded at the time DSLR.  I've left the dust bunny on it but it's been reprocessed through Startools which makes it look way better than my first go at it in Photoshop.   I'm slowly falling in love with Startools as I redo all my previous attempts.  For this one I had darks and biases but was not on flats yet.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well here is my 1st attempt at M31,

i know there is a lot wrong with this but for my 1st attempt im pretty happy, also need to work on my processing,

taken on Sunday night 02/10/16

60 x 60sec lights
master dark and bias
Canon 600d


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I've been at long exposure for close to a year and finally got my auto guiding set right , I'm disabled and this has been difficult . Can I get an "ATTABOY" ? This is my 1st guided 60s image in mono of more than 20-30s, it's not pretty ,  it's not centered and it's the only one I was ok with. This straight from capture and this disabled amateur astronomer never gives up and I'm making progress.

CCD Image 1.jpg

Edited by stepping beyond
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Here's my first attempt - M31

William Optics Zenithstar 66SD on a Celestron Nexstar SE Alt/Az mount. Nikon D3200 w/Baader MPCC.

Approx. 1hr of 30sec subs stacked in DSS with darks, flats & flat darks, processed in Star Tools (hardest part!). Poor conditions with hazy cloud hence the noise in the image.


M31 tutorial.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a visual observer only (up until now perhaps!) this is my first ever attempt at trying to get an image; never done any kind of  imaging before. This attempt at M31 using 102mm Frac + Nikon D80 with IR fiter removed; no guiding; 8 x 30sec lights + 4 darks using DSS. 

I know it`s not a great image, but something to build on in the future.  Tips or advice very welcome.


Edited by Stridor
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9 hours ago, Stridor said:

As a visual observer only (up until now perhaps!) this is my first ever attempt at trying to get an image; never done any kind of  imaging before. This attempt at M31 using 102mm Frac + Nikon D80 with IR fiter removed; no guiding; 8 x 30sec lights + 4 darks using DSS. 

A good start

Your stars are round but hard to judge focus with short data as no tiny stars. Might be worth getting/making a bhatinov focussing mask as a precaution.

I found my M31 kept getting better with more subs, right up to three hours, but if you can get an intervalometer (cheap as chips) and work up to half an hour or more you will see big improvements.

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4 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

A good start

Your stars are round but hard to judge focus with short data as no tiny stars. Might be worth getting/making a bhatinov focussing mask as a precaution.

I found my M31 kept getting better with more subs, right up to three hours, but if you can get an intervalometer (cheap as chips) and work up to half an hour or more you will see big improvements.

Thanks for your comments, much appreciated; I will have a go at your recommendations. I have actually, since taking this shot bought a Bhatinov mask. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi. Here's my first snap with a camera attached to a telescope. 1999. FujiColor film. You peered through the illuminated eyepiece and guided by keeping a star on the cross-hairs using the hand controller. I resurrected the telescopes last year. How things have changed. Nostalgia.



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On 10/11/2016 at 04:39, Stridor said:

Tips or advice very welcome.

Hi. Even on modified cameras where the camera ir filter retained, it's never strong enough and the ir records as unfocused visible, especially with refractors, no matter how APO they maybe. One of these will tighten the stars back to normal. No need to go brand name. They all come from the same factory in China. AliExpress or eBay sources are fine. Around €15. Add a wratten#8 -marketed as fringe killer at 10 times the price- and you really are in business. HTH.


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