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Everything posted by Danny83uk

  1. Danny83uk


    From the album: Astrophotography

    © Daniel Chapman

  2. Danny83uk


    Mostly moon and scenic images
  3. Danny83uk

    2nd April Mosaic.

    From the album: Astrophotography

    14 panes stitched to form one image

    © Daniel Chapman

  4. Does anyone know if the Sky-Watcher EvoGuide 50ED Guidescope & ZWO ASI120MM Bundle would work on a Standard EQ5 mount. I DON'T have the PRO version.
  5. Max i go for is 200x for uk skies. I was advised of a good rule (regarding Newton telescopes) and that was to max your magnification to the aperture size, allowing that 200x was your upper limit. So on my SW 130 i use an 8mm (wasnt a 6 EP on the market in my price range) for my SW200 i use a 5mm giving me 200x.
  6. Would it also be acceptable to stick some stupid bunny ears and a dainty nose on them?
  7. "My winter hobby is Astro-Imaging. In other words I take pictures of things I can't see in the night sky! " Love that.
  8. So im getting a collection of images now and its seems theres alot of closet astronomers out there who when they find out show a keen interest in what ive done. Thing is its a pain either finding them on my phone or loading up dropbox (my methond of pc > Phone transfer) So im wondering whats your prefered image showcase method?
  9. Danny83uk

    M42 Orion

    From the album: Astrophotography

    20 frames @ 30seconds, Flats and Darks. DSS Processing.

    © DC

  10. First pic, Seems a popular one. M31 and M32 with M110 sneaking in on the left.. 6x30 second frames at 3200 same amount of darks and flats. Ran through DSS.
  11. Danny83uk


    From the album: Astrophotography

    M31, M32 to the right M110 sneaking in at the left. Only 6x30 Images due to cloud cover and light breeze. Full Darks, Flats. Ran through DSS.

    © DC

  12. Danny83uk

    14th march

    From the album: Astrophotography

    870 Frames taken from short clip ran though PIPP, Registax. PH Sharpening.

    © DC

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