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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Wonder if there's any similarity in the components in ultrasonic cleaners. I've done a couple of repairs on mine in the past and they basically use pairs of ceramic transducers oscillating at high frequency around 20k to 30k Hz i think. The PCB also has a widget to fine tune the frequency for optimum performance.
  2. There are a few tutorials online, not for the faint hearted though. There's a few companies that can do it for you, average price maybe £100. You would need a clip in filter and probably have to play with the white balance. Yes to some extent. If you stack untracked images you will have to crop quite a bit. One method is to centre on a star, take an image or two of maybe 15 to 30 seconds, re-align on the star, take another shot or two and so on. That way you wont have to crop the edges so much.
  3. I think Musk has just done a test run on Spain and is about to Blitzkrieg Belgium and France 🤣
  4. A lot will depend on what type of light pollution is nearby. There's some handy info on this video.
  5. So if all you have to do is get permission from one government agency to launch whatever you like into space, then all we need is permission to launch one satellite to "clear space debris" and problem solved. All we need is a satellite capable of nudging stuff out of orbit, we could even pay Musk to launch it.
  6. Both stunning images (TBH I couldn't spot any difference 😊)
  7. I think the Crescent causes a lot of problems because there is almost too much data and the NB's overlap a lot.
  8. Excellent image, well worth getting the extra data.
  9. Just out of interest, anyone know what the carbon footprint of each of Musks launches are ? If he's launching strings of 16 satellites at a time its going to be 2625 launches to get his proposed 42000 lumps into space.
  10. Tap the squares bottom left for Landscape and atmosphere etc
  11. Looks like you need extra spacer between CC and camera.
  12. That's a great improvement, a lot sharper.
  13. Apart from the coma you have some really good detail. Colour wise on the Crescent, it's the current bane of my life. Toning down the green definitely works, much better.
  14. May be, but why not just put them in geosynchronous orbit above those areas ??? Probably because they are mainly 3rd world countries, there will be a subscription charge and the cost of the receiver. I think many would prefer food and water. The proposed networks will help a small percentage in the western world where internet of any sort is difficult but the main people to benefit will be the international stock exchange traders who will receive information a few thousandths of a second faster.
  15. At the moment there aren't many pieces of Musks trash in the sky. When his and all the others are up in a few years there will possibly be over 50000 at varying altitudes crossing the sky at around 1 every 1º of view. How will sigma clipping cope when you have multiple trails, possibly re-inforcing each other on different subs?
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