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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Yup, my way of thinking was smaller ball = less friction and lighter oil = less resistance. The 5 x 10 x 4 would work well in an oil bath. Also if you need anything machined on a lathe, let me know. Might be able to help.
  2. The SXUFW-UM36T, I'll check it again but I do remember taking darks whilst it was light and didn't see any flares.
  3. Hi Gina, I think the smallest BB you can get away with. I can send you a selection of small ones down to 5/64" I would also consider using a light oil rather than grease. Something like the sealed design above would allow you to fill the bearing cavity with oil.
  4. Best thing would be to get back on to your target on a good night and take more subs to add to what you have.
  5. I have a Starlight Express and that is completely light tight.
  6. I think baud rate should be 115200. If that didn't work then it could be COM Port confusion.
  7. I don't think the original was too bad at all but I think the second has definitely suffered from the loss of data.
  8. This is what I need before winter comes but I've no idea about programming, Terminal etc. Do you use Astroberry or the Stellarmate as server ?
  9. Well done Louise. For gluing back the new legs I would use construction adhesive. It'll easily fill any gap you have. You'd need to get a gun for it though. https://www.screwfix.com/p/evo-stik-sticks-like-sh-t-turbo-grab-adhesive-white-290ml/4072p For the feet I googled "rubber tube caps", Amazon has a good variety of possible items.
  10. I think if you want to go a bit more mad on spending then I would commission a triple/quad all in one scope to be made. Say 4 matched 125mm front elements fitted to a 250mm tube with internal separators and 4 focus tubes at the back. Might even be possible to add a small 5th lens in the centre for guiding. Camera wise I'd opt for Starlight Xpress. You would also need to set up software to sync exposures so you can dither.
  11. Pixinsight. Pre and post processing and it runs on Mac.
  12. Just think of it as every day you wait you save £1.😊 That's enough for a moon filter.
  13. That's probably about time we get clear skies again.😰
  14. Just saved you £32. Supposed to be one of the best.
  15. Why Ebay for the NEX-YZ when FLO sell it. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/celestron-nexyz-3-axis-universal-smartphone-adapter.html
  16. That looks suspiciously similar to Gorilla Glue, solid brown traces and hard foamy patches. I think boiling might break it down or the glue remover will work.
  17. Depends on the glue really, if it's a mastic rubbery style it might soften up enough. An epoxy might as well. Can you see any traces of glue from the one you have removed?
  18. Just thinking that if you can position it on the stove top then maybe try boiling it in a pan of water for a while.
  19. The witches Broom and Veil nebulas.
  20. Uneven light distribution will be a problem. Calibration will add false gradients to your images. You may be able to process them out or better still put something infront that will give better distribution, maybe some 30% or 40% translucent acrylic sheet.
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