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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Nice set f images. Here's a link to Gimp. https://www.gimp.org
  2. Excellent image, don't remember seeing it in SHO before.
  3. If you want more clamping force from the screws then you need some with heads, either pan or countersunk. Also might be worth adding some score marks in the surfaces for the glue. As for the hairline crack, I think the best way might be a brass collar press fit over the top.
  4. I have a Starlight Xpress, did a test the other day and it's light tight. You can get different carousels as well. Might be worth looking at FLO's bundle deals with camera and lodestar maybe.
  5. Much better of the Oiii, well done.
  6. I've put my 250P-DS on my AZ-EQ6 a couple of times in EQ mode for doing a little visual. I would say that would be the bare minimum, getting any sort of good balance was tricky.
  7. I made a couple of bars for other members a while ago. They were 12mm by 40cm with M8 threads, I can make something up if you can't find anything to suit.
  8. Excellent result for 1 hours worth.
  9. If the skies are clear enough to warrant going out then Ha can be done with the full moon, maybe O and S as well.
  10. Wow, led's are cheaper to run all night than halogens. Wow, turning them off is even cheaper.
  11. I would have thought that the print company would want the highest resolution possible. That would mean anything better than a jpeg, tiff at the least. Can you save as higher resolution jpeg ? On my screen that image looks superb, well done.
  12. Starlight Xpress have a few variations, some with interchangeable filter carousels, make sure you get the right one.
  13. Did a couple of 6 second shots, one as a light and one as a dark. Both look light tight to me. IR_6_secs_001.fits Dark_6_secs_001.fits
  14. TS have a very good reputation from what I hear. Another alternative might be Altair Astro, I think they very well may be the same scopes rebranded.
  15. Really good image, more data never hurt anything. My only comment would be it looks a little too colour saturated for my taste.
  16. Well if port6 can provide the correct output then there is no reason it shouldn't work but as Richis says, it may not like it. My bets on the variable output port which supposedly is for mini computers.
  17. Good work Louise, just needs the rubber feet.
  18. If you have the UPB V2 then the variable power output can be set to the necessary 5.1v for the RPi. Well I hope it can as that's the route I will want to go in the future when I get a Pi. Or if you don't have the V2 then I think you could feasibly use one of the 12v outputs stepped down to 5v.
  19. I think Starnet has introduced a lot of the grainy noise. Try another version without it.
  20. Hot glue sticks would work, might be worth warming the legs up a little so the glue doesn't set too quickly. I would say if you have the 10 gauge legs already then try them out first. If the weight is still too much then get the 16gauge. Using the hot glue will make it easier to remove when you need to.
  21. The 16 gauge would be ok I reckon except for where the grub screws hold it, might get deformed and not hold very well.
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