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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Nail varnish remover is mostly acetone, might take a while or not at all depending on the glue.
  2. Could be grey import, clones or backdoor seconds. Or even a genuine seller that's got access to old stock that need shifting quick.
  3. Superb detail, well done.
  4. A great image and well done on 10 hours of further education. I love PI as well but it can be daunting to start with, plenty of trial and error and starting over but well worth it. The more you use it the better results you'll get but be careful with some YouTube tutorials, occasionally there is some poor advice but mostly it's a case of the image they are working on is not your image so play with settings.
  5. Have a look at some slide bolts in hardware shops, you might be able to use the bolt receiver. Something like this https://www.screwfix.com/p/straight-door-bolt-polished-chrome-38mm/31382
  6. I went native with KStars/Ekos for automation and PixInsight for processing. Don't need anything else except maybe Stellarium for scanning what's about.
  7. Thanks Paul and everyone for the likes.
  8. Very well done, lovely image.
  9. Took these just prior to going mad on The Crescent Nebula back at the beginning of May. I decided to try relatively short exposure to try not blowing out the core. L= 21 x 10s plus 18 x 15s R=16 x 30s, G=6 x 30s, B=14 x 30s
  10. Machine and fit tolerance on this sort of thing is always pretty shabby, some more than others. I think you've just got a really poor one. The trouble is will the replacement be much better !
  11. I think you really need to get the right thickness of plastic. Here's the video I remember the fix from. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKnZLn-xz1k
  12. Cut a strip of thin plastic (packaging or food container possibly), drop it in the hole and then try the mount. It should take up the difference in the size of the boss and hole to stop it rocking.
  13. Much easier on the eye, more natural looking.
  14. This might help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=gtt9bcJDU2U&feature=emb_logo
  15. Lovely images Carole. As for the spacing, I would try adding a thin spacer and if it's worse then you'll know you need to shorten things up. It might be possible to machine down the thickness of a part or two to achieve this. Another option is that the focuser on the lens might be able to be adjusted for more travel, I think some of the Samyangs can be tweaked.
  16. Great effort. Yup, it's a garish beast in any colour combination. You really have to pull back the saturation to make it look "normal".
  17. Many thanks, it's been a struggle getting something that doesn't look like mouldy brain curry. I was surprised when I saw the dark spot near the centre and a faint dark worm of nebulosity to the right. The NB bands overlap which makes it hard to get any colour separation except for the purple Oiii halo and the green Ha highlights at the sides.
  18. Nice one Ruz, keep up the good work. Heat has been a killer in the last few days, 30º C on the camera definitely wont help.
  19. Fantastic number of galaxies, well done.
  20. From what I can remember the L-Enhance isn't great for galaxies.
  21. Had another bash at my Crescent data in Hubble Palette taken at the beginning of May. Sii is 14 x 900s. Ha is 25 x 720s. Oiii is 26 x 720s. Totalling 13 hours 42 minutes. All processing done in Pixinsight. SHO.tif
  22. At a guess I would say you won't need anything too strong. Maybe an L-Pro or IDAS D1 for Bortle 5 skies, though it will depend on if there are any strong light sources nearby.
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