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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Excellent image Brendan, puts the Crescent in perspective to how bright it really is.
  2. Excellent, that sound like it'll work then. Also sounds like one of these from the USB port will work as well. https://www.amazon.co.uk/TecMad-usb3-0-Braided-MacBook-Devices/dp/B0756WJPZQ/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=usb-c+male+to+usb3.0+male+cable+short&qid=1594656663&s=electronics&sr=1-10
  3. Looks very good to me so far. Little more data here and there can only be a good thing.
  4. I've been hacking the net for possible solutions and can only really come up with making a DIY USB-C to Pegasus jack plug. Looks like you just solder on Ground and 5v.
  5. Looks good to me, colour wise it's all down to personal choice. Most people go for pink/blue combo.
  6. Stars much better and the nebulosity is really showing through now. Just a little mottling showing on the background though but overall a huge improvement.
  7. Well done. Image 1 looks pretty good, maybe a touch pale. Image 2 looks a little bit overcooked. Image 3 will look great, somewhere in between.
  8. People have been raving about starnet++, not used it myself but seen some good results. The downside is that I've seen some very noisy results as well.
  9. Looks really good. Can always add extra panes around it.
  10. Good start, reducing the brightness will bring out a lot more detail.
  11. Have a try with Kstars/Ekos, runs natively on Mac and supports PHD2. Bootcamp/Windows is almost certainly the cause of lag.
  12. Looks like you have some good nebulosity there but it's trying to hide behind the stars. Try some star reduction and maybe darkening the background a touch.
  13. That is an excellent elephant.
  14. Maybe another alternative would be a mini computer, run anything Windows, access via TeamViewer or similar, hook up to wifi or via ethernet.........
  15. Stellarmate do a plug and play unit, basically it's a Raspberry Pi3.
  16. Nice one Wookie, glad it's all together now and ready for clear skies.
  17. The alternative would be a Raspberry Pi4 with either Stellarmate or Astroberry running on it, you can link via wifi or ethernet cable direct to PC.
  18. Very nice, I think there's just less going on top left.
  19. Open up an original image, then take some short subs tweaking the camera orientation till they are as close a match as possible. Or invert an original image and line it up to that. Not sure if you have to re-stack the whole lot or if you can combine stacked and new subs in PI. Or maybe two stacked sets. Worth trying, might be a Pixelmath thing.
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