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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. A good start to imaging. The coloured pixels are dead, you should really stack these using calibration frames. That should remove them.
  2. Just remembered that some newtonian have extremely short back focus and it can be almost impossible to focus a camera. What scope do you have?
  3. Could it be that you need to add spacers to achieve the correct back focus?
  4. Just wait a few years for the other 50 000 satellites to go into orbit.
  5. Very nice star field. Look sharp and focused but I think your back focus spacing is a little off. Slight outward radial elongation around the edges makes me think your camera is just a little too close.
  6. A very good start and yes, it's a steep learning curve. The nebulosity in the Veil looks good, just needs some star reduction I think.
  7. I'm struggling with my own data on this. Had a look at my latest SHO again last night and I'm still not sure.
  8. Pegasus Power Box is also good for tidying up. Just one lead for power and one USB to computer.
  9. Lovely image, nice colour and stars.
  10. Looks like your field isn't flat. Could be image tilt or flattener not quite right.
  11. Could be anything, I leave my mount out for a few days at a time and have to check PA and tweak it every night twice before imaging. It's on grass so things settle and can move a degree or two..
  12. I start at Nautical Dark, check Clear Outside for times.
  13. Possibly, there will be a limit on the magnification you can feasibly achieve with your scope.
  14. Nothing wrong there, the Heritage is only 400mm focal length so even with the 10mm and 2x Barlow, Jupiter will look not much more than a dot. This will give you an idea. https://astronomy.tools/calculators/field_of_view/
  15. That looks great, surprised me when I read it's LRGB and not NB.
  16. I think it's down to so much overlapping data in all three bands that I've decided that in SHO it's supposed to look like mouldy lambs brain in curry sauce.
  17. Much better. Actually looks like a Norse drinking horn with a metal collar !
  18. That's a stunner Carole. I've been struggling with SHO on the Crescent but I think it's nearly done now, my last efforts were pretty garish.
  19. Looks good, maybe just a tad harsh on the red.
  20. I've seen TAL1 kits go for around £60 to £80, supposed to be a very good beginner scope but also seen warning against using the sun filter.
  21. Nice image but seems a little mottled here and there.
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