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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Stunning image, makes a nice change to see it in SHO.
  2. They should all fit around the focus column. The Celestron NexYZ has great reviews.
  3. So far so good. Keep going it'll be a great image.
  4. Not used the Altair software, I run KStars/Ekos for automation and capture on my Mac. It supports Altair Cams. Ekos doesn't have live stacking, I don't think it's really necessary.
  5. Me too, superb image.
  6. All depends on the construction but it'll be pretty difficult to mess up.
  7. A great start, catching a good prom is all down to luck, timing and keeping updated on possibilities.
  8. You might need to have different adapter plates made up in the future. I figure you would need a base plate welded to the tripod that will accept custom adapter plates for anything you would want to mount. Also thinking why not a Tripod pier style rather than a tripod. Legs would be further down allowing for more clearance of scope and gear.
  9. If you want to shoot narrowband on nebula then the Oiii is what you want. Do you have an Astronomic Ha to match with the Oiii ?
  10. Good fast laptop is essential, it'll save a lot of frustrations later on. I had a few gremlins with my 12 y.o MacAir, got very frustrated so dropped a pile on an all singing and dancing MacBook Pro solely used for imaging and processing. Recommend minimum 4 core processor (8 core is ideal) and large SSD.
  11. The blurring could be atmospheric distortion. Take a short video to see if at some point it clears. If it doesn't then I think your focus is out, try a Bhatinov mask.
  12. Very good for unguided. Theres a slight bit of elongation in the stars, guiding will help a lot with this. A few more calibration frames might help, apparently the optimum number is around 16 to 21 of each.
  13. No idea what it is but it looks nice.
  14. Very nice, I think 200mm is fine, any more could risk clipping off the faint outer dust lanes. There does look to be a slight magenta tone to the background and stars though.
  15. As above, get a good PA and then pick a target to goto for framing your shot.
  16. Looks great, glad you're finally done...............................for now.
  17. I've had similar problems with EKOS and SXCCD 694 saying camera is busy imaging after PA and such. Have to turn off Ekos and restart, other times if camera is cooled and it won't start capturing I just flick off the cooler and on again and it starts capture. Not had any problems with warming camera before shutdown, must be different with the 1600.
  18. You should be able to configure the rotation rate. I have no idea about the programming side of things on how to do it.
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