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She's putting on weight, but I love her!

Yawning Angel

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I was treated to a slim window on the 24th, before snow clouds rolled in. Job 1 was to grab some moon data, so I had something from the night, then on to play with some camera / barlow combinations

This is the result of 25% stacks of 1000 frames, captured from my 80ED / asi178mm. LRGB frames gently sharpened in Registax and aligned in imPPG. Combined, colour balanced and final sharpening in PixInsight. I have been fining the a less aggressive sharpen in Registax means the Pix's RestorationFilter can be used to crisp up after settling the colours & highlights

I was going to present it in it's 'correct' orientation, but to my eye this suited it better

Click for full size, it does it more justice


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27 minutes ago, JamesF said:

Very nice indeed

Thank you James.

It's a little more faf with filters, but I can go to about 80% and stay inside one frame so it's not excessive. I like trying for the hints of colour, although this stack wasn't for giving me any blue without some work.

Do you go for pure luminance when doing mono, or filtered?

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Just now, Yawning Angel said:

Do you go for pure luminance when doing mono, or filtered?

Most recently I've been using a mono camera with an Ha filter.  Though when I say "recent", that has to be taken in the light of the utterly rubbish weather we've had for the last six months :)


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Just now, JamesF said:

mono camera with an Ha filter

I've used the Ha previously then swapped to a ProPlanet 642 IR bandpass - great when seeing is mixed. You may find more detail in the green channel - if you can get the exposure short enough to keep it stable

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12 minutes ago, Yawning Angel said:

if you can get the exposure short enough to keep it stable

Yes, that has always been a bit of a delicate balance when trying to image something as bright as the Moon with a dedicated mono camera.  I might perhaps have a play with different apertures to see what works well.  Obviously the 80ED performs very nicely, but with a narrowband filter I might be able to give my ST120 a go and squeeze out a bit more resolution.  Especially if I try something like the 3.5nm Ha filter I bought recently.

Such a shame there are so few opportunities to experiment at the moment :(


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