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Newbie saying hi

AMG Dave

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Hi I’m Dave. 
Ive just joined the forum. I have a Celestron Nextstar 8se. I’ve had it 2-3 years but basically haven't got a clue how to use it. I’ve tried having a play a few times but gave up and covered it up with a sheet. And that was it. 
Im after any help available as I feel it can’t just stand there doing nothing, and I do want to use it as I love the night sky and want to learn about it. 


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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Your scope is a good one - well worth getting to know how it works. It has great potential as an observing instrument.

There will always be a range of opinions on a forum like this but all are given in good faith and occasionally we all agree :icon_biggrin:

I don't currently have a Celestron 8SE but I have come across this movie on setting up one of the smaller models on the same mount so that might help you:


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