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Got the itch again!


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Hi all!

I'm back after a break of three or four years I think! I've hardly done any astronomy in that period!

While away I got very much into board games. After my experience with cloudy nights in the UK doing astronomy, I swore that if I got another hobby, it would not depend on the weather!

Anyway, I hope to be back for good now to stargazing! Without boring you with the details, my work situation has changed and it's made me rethink what I want to do with myself, for a living and in my spare time also. And I think it's made me realise how much I love this hobby and that I want to make more time for the things I love.

Right now I am tempted to get back into solar imaging, but my other half Sarah is less keen. She has a point. We got stuck in terrible traffic one year when setting off for our summer holiday in Dorset. We left a little bit later than planned... "I'll be ready in a mo, as soon as this cloud clears and I can grab just one more capture!"




PS Do you folks still eat Jaffa cakes? I've been keeping that going, thankfully!

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Gosh, Hobnobs, I love them too and had completely forgotten about those! Though I think Jaffa cakes will always be my goto!

I've really missed a bunch of folks from the forum and Star Parties!

As much as I am tempted to order a bunch of imaging stuff from the amazing folks at FLO, I THINK I am gonna get my processing fix from the data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory! There is nothing quite like capturing your own data, and I can't wait to see more captures from the solar gang here!

But I do love the 171 Angstrom wavelength in particular! I don't suppose the good folks at FLO sell one of those sub £2k?!!! (I'm tempted by their Hubble offer for DSO).

This is the first image I have processed in ages. Level 1 data courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams.


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On 08/11/2020 at 12:03, Mark at Beaufort said:

Luke its lovely to see you posting again. My regards to Sarah as well. I bet your youngest has grown up a lot from the days I last saw all the family at Lucksall.

Thanks Mark, those stays at Lucksall were lovely! So many good memories and you were always so kind checking everyone was fine!

Our son Matthew is still tiring us out! He saw me playing around with some solar processing yesterday and had a go. I might post up one his later! They are likely to be blue!

I hope we can get back to some star parties some time, Sarah keeps saying about going back and of course the horrible virus has not been helping. It would be so lovely to catch up with everyone and to meet new folks too. I wonder if Tich still sells chips and burgers?! 😃

Sarah is definitely not keen on me getting a camera again! I may have to keep playing around with the amazing SDO data!



Data courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams.

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