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Hi from Northampton


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I've already posted in the beginners equipment section, but figured I should say hello properly.

Having always been fascinated with all things space related, finally decided to get myself a telescope. Having done the usual Googling and Youtube, I found myself here. 

Based on advise given, I duly went on the hunt for a Dobsonian and found a Skywatcher Skyliner 150p. Had a look at the moon which was good, but felt it might be too big for my needs. I know it's not huge in the world of telescopes, but wanted something a bit more portable.

A few days later and I picked up a Celestron Omni XLT AZ 102 refractor. It seemed to have a decent review https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/reviews/mounts/celestron-omni-xlt-az-102/ easy to use, move around, transport etc. 

Fast forward to today and I still have both, but think eventually I'll move to Skywatcher on to a new home.............maybe..........if the wife makes me 🤔

Between the two scopes, I have a 25mm, 10mm and a Vixen 8mm eyepiece. Due to work and the weather, I've not used either of the scopes other than a quick look at the moon, but hoping to get out and see what can be seen at some point, and maybe get out to one of the local clubs, once this damn virus ends.

Anyway, looking forward to learning lots and maybe asking some noob questions along the way. 😀

Edited by Andy0306
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Hi Andy, another newbie here. This is a great place. I have been given some great help already and help based around fact not opinion.  Good luck with your adventure.

all the best


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