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New Challenge Ideas Needed!

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51 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

+ Film!

Still got Pentax camera and all the developing  gear in the loft, wonder if the chemicals have gone off :D


Edited by Davey-T
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Terrestrial/Celestial Suns, Solar images shot with just a camera, no external filters but stacking, time lapse, animations and other alterations are allowed like compositions, inverts and the like. Extra points for capturing atmospheric solar phenomena and since earth is actually an astronomical object and a celestial body, this type of challenge would/should be right up the stargazers alley.

Some of you would call these images sunsets or terrestrial, but the sun does not set does it? Ones location on earth simply rotates away from it, the separation of celestial and terrestrial, a thin invisible line drawn precariously through our intellects 😉



Edited by SIDO
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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I like the idea of the one above. How about adding an extra dimension. Just what you captured! No stacking or computers allowed. Just the single original image. Might be a leveller for us, might not be spectacular, but those of us without a server in the basement might actually want to enter future challenges.

I entered my first shortly after joining SGL  (Lunar terminator ep pic) and quickly realised that the challenges were purely photographic and I had neither the kit nor the photoshop know how, let alone the program to get even close.

Sorry Grant, but I will not enter another as I know I am under gunned as at present I am a visual astronomer and I have seen what it takes to get a mug. They all deserved them by the way, terrific entries.


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Well note that I didn't state what the image has to be of, there is scope for a scenic image if light pollution is your enemy, also the use of software or not.  The type of image is not specified only that it has to be from within your own house or backyard.  There is also scope for stating where the image was taken from location wise and for the judges to take this into account.

Edited by JOC
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JOC. I get your message entirely, well said. Perhaps I was too strong in my opinions and voicing them. If so my apologies.

In a more measured way I was trying to say that the challenges can sometimes seem like an arms race. And if an SGL’r doesn’t have a bunch of post processing software and the knowledge to use it, it can seem pointless to enter the challenges.

After reading my post I want to apologise to Grant. You seem to have enough on your plate without someone (me) deciding on a unilateral boycott. I have looked through the mirror the other way and decided to enter any future challenge if I can meet the criteria. It was pointed out to me that perhaps that is how the winners got their mugs. Yeh.... my wife was right. “Stop moaning and do something about it”


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1)   Science or ART ??      .....  An astronomically 'standard'  picture taken from a new perspective or processed in a way to suggest hidden meaning or a greater artistic depth.


2)  Astro - bloopers   .........        unintentional hilarity  whilst pursuing this most noble of pastimes.     This can be scheduled for April 1st or Comic relief night .    


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  • 1 month later...

@Marvin Jenkins  FWIW I don't have a server in the basement or any fancy imaging kit - I have a telescope that I can attach a DSLR to afocally, a tripod to take the DSLR without a telescope, a cable release, and a fair sized memory card to fit in the camera.  I also have a computer onto which I've downloaded some free stacking software that anyone can download.  With such a set-up you can start to see what is possible - 

That thread above is one I started when I thought I'd see how difficult all this stuff was.  Widefield is certainly possible without a telescope and I have a tracking Dob and afocally I can take pictures of suitable sized nebula if I want to (you could even take a number of shorter exposure without tracking).  In addition if you only want specific stars and for them not to get lost amongst a sea of others then I sometimes think you can take exposures that are actually too long!!  Now I've never taken it any further, but I have little doubt that with sufficient care and attention I could use what I have to take some quite pleasing shots, esp.  of the moon - my avatar  is one of my own efforts.  OK, there are some things that I can't take competition quality shots of, but I see no reason why, with sufficient no-how, creative intent, time and no more kit than I currently have, that I can't produce pleasing images which I could at least take part in the competitions with.  Indeed I have occasionally done so. 

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On 27/05/2019 at 23:52, Davey-T said:

Still got Pentax camera and all the developing  gear in the loft, wonder if the chemicals have gone off :D


I’ve still got folders full of slides taken in the 80’s, mind you they are all cr*p.😁

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  • 3 months later...
On 08/02/2020 at 21:08, Stub Mandrel said:

Are the challenges over?

Have we admitted defeat in the face of Perma-Cloud?

Was wondering the same? No updates in a long while :( I know it takes a lot to run them and vote etc...I am sure we could maybe get a voting system going so members could vote on the entries themselves?

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2 hours ago, Z3roCool said:

Was wondering the same? No updates in a long while :( I know it takes a lot to run them and vote etc...I am sure we could maybe get a voting system going so members could vote on the entries themselves?

The Invision Community software allows anonymous voting, another site I'm on holds monthly photo and composition challlenges, but 'just for fun'.

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On 20/05/2020 at 15:39, Z3roCool said:

Was wondering the same? No updates in a long while :( I know it takes a lot to run them and vote etc...I am sure we could maybe get a voting system going so members could vote on the entries themselves?

Was wondering the same too, now I have a guidescope set up and half a clue of how to use it!

With the busy todo list of running everything else, (the Zoom talk was brilliant last night, thanks) could the task be delegated to a Moderator?



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Let the experts here create a small short beginner challenge new people can do and compete in. With/ without telescope.

Example: Find ... constellation, Find ... planet/star/..., Make the perfect light shroud, Create a dark room, ...

These challenges should be fun and help the beginner at the same time.

Idk just an idea 😁

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On 12/12/2019 at 00:31, Craney said:

2)  Astro - bloopers   .........        unintentional hilarity  whilst pursuing this most noble of pastimes.     This can be scheduled for April 1st or Comic relief night .   

Love it! Now, where have I stored all those subs where the focussing mask was left on ... ?

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