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What did the postman bring?


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This latest purchase may induce amongst some readers rolling of eyes and cries of disbelief...

Another Rother Valley Optics brand new customer return. A Sky-Watcher 150/750 ota split from a Star Discovery kit.

Yes, the focuser is pants. That will be degunked and relubed with lithium grease. A future upgrade will be a GSO or TS-Optics 1.25" crayford.

The fixed cell primary and abs fixture actually worked when I had a 130PS. The year I had it, collimation wasn't necessary.

Crucially it's 150p optics in a tube 1.7kg lighter than the regular ota, so won't strain the AZ5 mount and should be alright on the AZ-GTI. Plus it's bright red, was £60 cheaper than a regular 150p and looks great!



Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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I decided to buy an Ortho EP again mainly to view fainter Super Novae especially the one in M61. Ordered the Baader10mm Classic Ortho from FLO which arrived this morning. I already have the Baader Classic 2.25x barlow which I have owned for many years - brilliant product. The Baader can be increased by 1.3 to 7.7mm or by 2.25x to 4.4mm. Many years ago I used some Fujiyama and Hutech Orthos and was able to see fainter stars than some of my other EPs. However, I found the eye relief too difficult but I am hoping that the Baader will be better.


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5 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

This latest purchase may induce amongst some readers rolling of eyes and cries of disbelief...

Another Rother Valley Optics brand new customer return. A Sky-Watcher1 50/750 ota split from a Star Discovery kit.

Yes, the focuser is pants. That will be degunked and relubed with lithium grease. A future upgrade will be a GSO or TS-Optics 1.25" crayford.

The fixed cell primary and abs fixture actually worked when I had a 130PS. The year I had it, collimation wasn't necessary.

Crucially it's 150p optics in a tube 1.7kg lighter than the regular ota, so won't strain the AZ5 mount and should be alright on the AZ-GTI. Plus it's bright red, was £60 cheaper than a regular 150p and looks great!



Nice find 👍🏻

One of these could come in handy for future mods.


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26 minutes ago, Dave1 said:

Here it is, my new to me Fullerscope MKIV mount. looking forward to getting this working!



May I ask which OTA is going to be attached to that rather nice mount ?? 


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30 minutes ago, Telescope40 said:

May I ask which OTA is going to be attached to that rather nice mount ?? 


My 4" F15 Skylight. With the idea of future proofing myself in case I intend to go upto 6" F15 or 16 " Newtonian. 


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A postie visit was not involved with this one but a visit to the Co-op today. I'm not a great wine buff but I think you know why I couldn't resist  investing in this bottle of Australian red.

If I were to open this tonight I would think it would double the number of star I could see!


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36 minutes ago, Les Ewan said:

A postie visit was not involved with this one but a visit to the Co-op today. I'm not a great wine buff but I think you know why I couldn't resist  investing in this bottle of Australian red.

If I were to open this tonight I would think it would double the number of star I could see!


Is that a Tak?

Looks a bit undermounted.

Think they need to adjust the polar axis for Melbourne.


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5 minutes ago, John said:

They sell this in Sainsbury's. I must get a bottle next time I'm in there. It's only £4.50 a bottle so I won't get my hopes up too much:

Star Gazer Sauvignon Blanc 75cl | Sainsbury's


Looks like it makes you see stars in front of the clouds next morning. As if that little man inside your head with the jackhammer wasn’t enough!

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12 hours ago, Les Ewan said:

A postie visit was not involved with this one but a visit to the Co-op today. I'm not a great wine buff but I think you know why I couldn't resist  investing in this bottle of Australian red.

If I were to open this tonight I would think it would double the number of star I could see!


I do love a Malbec! Few bottles of that and my legs would look as unstable as the tripod on the bottle!

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Second parcel of the day. Ac power for the mount, Ac power for my Canon 600D, some USB extention leads and an Ac extension lead. Wife wasn't smiling when she brought the parcel into the study. Still got a parcel due from FLO today. Help! 


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Built the mount that arrived this morning during my lunch break. This is all escalating rather quickly!! 😬


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Bahtinov mask and auto focuser kit for my SW Evostar 72ED. Thanks as ever FLO! 


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