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M31 - The Andromeda Galaxy


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M31 - The Andromeda Galaxy - Our nearest neighbour. One day we will collide with this galaxy, apparently. I don't think I'm likely to witness that event...

I've set two new Personal Bests with this project. Over 14 hours of data and as many again in processing!


Technical Details:

Skywatcher ED80 with reducer


L 15 x 1200s

L 30 x 120s

Ha 8 x 1200s

RGB 12 x 600s each

This has been a real challenge to process. I'm not even sure if it is a success! I like it, the detail is good thanks to the fantastic QSI camera, but I'm not yet convinced by my processing of the colour data. I was warned that this would be a tricky one and it has certainly lived up to that. Conditions were not completely perfect when I collected the colour data and that may be what has made it complicated. Anyway, I hope you like the image and please do give me your feedback - good or bad.

I just want to add a thank you to Olly for his help and advice on how to go about processing this.


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Thank you both.

@tingting44, lol.. That's a total of 14 hours and 40 minutes of integration time (and about four hours of thrown out subs that were haze damaged, doh!).

Sara - I am so ready to move on!! The Heart is going to be attracting my full attention for a bit, if clear skies ever come back...

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Well done Gav, you got there in the end!!  

You've done a great job and the outcome is a beautiful image. It is a tricky one to process and I spent probably about the same time as you processing my recent image of this target.


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Thank you all. It makes such a difference to hear this feedback. After starring at an image for such a long time with critical eyes trying to see the bad bits so as to improve them, it becomes impossible to see the actual picture!

@tingting44 - a two pane mosaic of The Heart Nebula in Ha & OIII is next. I might shoot SII as well if the nights allow.

@theo - Pete, it's a relief to get an image out of it all in the end. It's not easy this LRGB is it!?! Give me Ha, please!

@Ouroboros - good question and an absolute essential to keep the orientation as similar between sessions as possible, otherwise you start having to crop loads off the edges. With a huuuuuge target like this, it only just fits in anyway, so that would be bad! Basically, you need to keep the camera attached to the scope and not touch it between sessions. Easiest way is to park the scope in an observatory. I don't have that luxury, so carefully take the scope & camera off the mount and leave it all still attached on the dining room table between sessions. I leave the mount out in the garden. Then next session I use Astrotortilla to get back on target and hey presto, everything lines up fairly well.

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Ha ha ha! "...not even sure that it is a success" - yeah - right!

That's a cracking image Gav - I'd say that, from what I've seen, that's your best yet. You can definitely call that one finished.

Congratulations - one for the living room wall I think.


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Barry, ScottS, Epicycle, Space Cowboy & paraletic mirror - Thank you for your kind comments!

Even some detail in M110 I think.

Yes, there does seem to be something showing up there - testament to what a fine piece of equipment the QSI is.

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