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Imaging with the 130pds


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A 314 will be a good match for this telescope. Epicycle has had good results using his H9 camera (which has the same chip), and that was without extensive modification - but Im sure he had to drill & tap a third hole for another thumbscrew to ensure the coma corrector was seated correctly.

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Thanks Uranium235.

I have a third thumbscrew mod on my list of things to do anyway for my DSLR (thanks to your guidance :smiley:).

If I go for the 314L I might treat myself to a focuser upgrade and move my current one to the 200P if possible.

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Hang on to that M45 data, its going to be around for a while yet so you could develop that one into something a bit special (given enough long subs).

You say that as if people actually delete files! [emoji46]
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Now completing my 1 year cyclus with AP in November. The most important i've learned is what not to do and what i need to make better astrophotos.








Excellent work! How do you get to put the time in? Between weather and kids...

Fair play to you, the effort has been worth it![emoji106]

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You say that as if people actually delete files! [emoji46]

It does happen! ;)

And if youve already got good data, re-use, top-up, or use it as an RGB layer. Ive had some projects span three years (shows how often I dont change my gear...lol).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent image Uranium235, good to see it finished :grin:

Question for anyone with a 314L+:

I'm purchasing a Atik 314L+ for use with this scope, will the Coma Correcter still be required in the imaging train?

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Thought I might as well post another M31 -  19x8 min subs.  130 PDS and Canon 1100D using DSS, Pixinsight and Canon DPP.  Guided on a NEQ6 using ST80 and ASI120MC.  

I guess if I had put more thought into the camera rotation I may have captured it in its entirety perhaps next time !


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Robp, on 17 Nov 2014 - 1:39 PM, said:

Excellent image Uranium235, good to see it finished :grin:

Question for anyone with a 314L+:

I'm purchasing a Atik 314L+ for use with this scope, will the Coma Correcter still be required in the imaging train?

Yes +1

I've been there (with a 314), tried it, and came to the conclusion a CC is definitely required.

PS: Get the Baader, it wont throw a fit (like the SW does) when you point it at a very bright star.

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Nice images HenryW, having terrible luck with the clouds here as well (last night being the exception).

Yes +1

I've been there (with a 314), tried it, and came to the conclusion a CC is definitely required.

PS: Get the Baader, it wont throw a fit (like the SW does) when you point it at a very bright star.

Thanks Uranium235 & tingting44. I already have the Baader CC just waiting for the adapter to arrive to get the correct spacing now.

The 314L+, HA filter and filter wheel arrived at the weekend so I was able to get some test subs last night (albeit without the coma corrector).

I haven't processed anything yet but even just looking at the previews you can consider me a CCD convert!

Just need to find the time to mod the focuser now.

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My first Ha image with my new camera :grin:

Bit of a learning curve last night as its a little different to using a DSLR.


Orion Nebula

7x600s Baader 7nm Ha

25x10s Baader 7nm Ha (for the core)



No Coma Corrector

Processing is a little rough and with no calibration frames, need to figure out a workflow for processing Ha images.

With cloud scheduled for the rest of the week I guess it gives me plenty of time to learn :sad:

To say that I am happy with this first test image is a bit of an understatement.

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My first Ha image with my new camera :grin:

Bit of a learning curve last night as its a little different to using a DSLR.


Orion Nebula

7x600s Baader 7nm Ha

25x10s Baader 7nm Ha (for the core)



No Coma Corrector

Processing is a little rough and with no calibration frames, need to figure out a workflow for processing Ha images.

With cloud scheduled for the rest of the week I guess it gives me plenty of time to learn :sad:

To say that I am happy with this first test image is a bit of an understatement.

Wow! [emoji16]
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This is my 1st real go at stacking and processing an image completely with PI, ive had it must be about 2 weeks now, i think im improving with my processing side of things

This is only a re-process of the 4 hours worth of subs grabbed on the 29th of September would you believe it! that was the last time i had clear skies with no moon :(

Pixinsight process


M31 (Pixinsight) by tingting44, on Flickr


Photoshop process


M31 - WIP by tingting44, on Flickr


Single 10 min sub


M31  (single 10min sub) by tingting44, on Flickr

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This is my 1st real go at stacking and processing an image completely with PI, ive had it must be about 2 weeks now, i think im improving with my processing side of things

I really like both versions. The PI one is more conventional but the Photoshop one has more of your own stamp on it. It's nice to see them both side-by-side.

As toxic suggests, blending the two is an option.

Edited by Knight of Clear Skies
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Thanks for the kind comments guys, 

of course not toxic i do not mind...... i never thought of combining the PI & PS versions together, i might have to have a play with that tomorrow :) i am really liking the more softer image compared to the more sharpened images as i progress tho... :)

well im never going to get my planned 30 hours for M31 by the looks of it, still a good blue print to build upod in the future years to come :)

Edited by tingting44
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