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So, with 25 Days left to go, you can now start OFFICALLY get excited!! :D

Now is the time to start checking all your gear, including camping stuff. Remember to pack tent pegs and tent poles (yes, people have managed to forget both), Cameras (ditto), Cables (again...) and you know where to go!!

Part of the fun of the Star Party is people helping each other, so if you don't know how to use a bit of software, or how to get a bit of hardware working - this is the time!!

We are working on some workshops that will be running - more details to follow - and of course, we are all praying that the weather has indeed broken and we'll get some clear skies!

Not long now :D

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This year I think I'll set everything up, tear down and pack as last year I managed to forget my EQ6 weights .. only to be saved by Astrognome! I will also be repaying the debt from Pyschobilly with a spare (brand new) duvet for anyone that has packed a little too lightly and I'll also have a soldering iron, electrical meter etc.

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I have been excited since i booked now its just been turned up to 11!!!!

The only reason I'm not sitting around waiting like a little kid is because I've just come back from a stag do, I've a mates wedding this weekend and my sisters wedding next weekend.

I've still got some finishing off and testing to do but the van is nearly ready so I'm nearly there, going to ring Lucksall this week and book in for the weekend before i reckon and make it a 9 dayer..

Can't wait

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Will be checking my stuff for sure this week. Check the tent is ok for another year and stock up on tent pegs (always seem to lose a load!).

I'll probably bring the complete astro toolkit (allen keys, spanners, screwdrivers, all manner of adaptors plus cleaning tools). Must also see about getting the private network working this time (couldnt get XP to talk to W7).

Lets hope the weather holds :)

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I agree with a set up and strip down beforehand.

last year I was really chuffed to get my secondary heater fitted before going to kielder that I forgot to recolimate and my optics were way off. To add insult to injury I then had flat betteries in my laser collimator and then the wires broke at the solder in the batrery compartment leaving me stranded.

Luckily I was able to borrow a laser but the mirror was still way of and needed about an hour of tinkering once I got back home.

so this time ill be 100% checked and double checked before I set off !

And on a similar note I remeber going away a few years back and losing a skylight off the caravan ... and the following year I lost another one...... so I replaced the third one rather than take any chances. In both cases id set up and was having a brew and was wondering why I could hear the birds tweeting so clearly !

Cant wait !


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How come that my tent came in a bag the size of two carrier bags when new , now it hardly fits into a tonne tote bag ?

How come that I used to get it all in the car, now I need a trailer ?


its the 1st law of Camping. I've never managed to get my tent back into the original bag, it now lives in two tent bags! Biggest issue this year will be my change of car, the Mondeo was like a bottomless pit, the BMW is like a Inverse Tardis

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Blame Apple for the typos and me for the content

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How come that my tent came in a bag the size of two carrier bags when new , now it hardly fits into a tonne tote bag ?

How come that I used to get it all in the car, now I need a trailer ?


see thread unwritten laws of the universe, actually thinking about it it probably comes under universal expansion

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its the 1st law of Camping. I've never managed to get my tent back into the original bag, it now lives in two tent bags! Biggest issue this year will be my change of car, the Mondeo was like a bottomless pit, the BMW is like a Inverse Tardis

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Blame Apple for the typos and me for the content

Roof bars and a thule pod on the top.

We pack the tent and everything that is needed for getting the tent up and ready in the pod. That way if it's raining nothing inside the car gets wet and you don't have the issue if accidentally finding you've packed some vital bit at the back by accident.. 

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This will be my first star party :smile:

First on my prep list is figuring out how to shield or turn off all the lights on my car so that no one shoots me in the middle of the night :confused:

Looking forward to it!

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This will be my first star party :smile:

First on my prep list is figuring out how to shield or turn off all the lights on my car so that no one shoots me in the middle of the night :confused:

Looking forward to it!

do a test run of your lights before you go by working out which fuse you need to remove to kill the internal lights. Then you can at least open and close your doors without causing agro. Locking and unlocking is moremof a problem as the indicators seem harder to isolate in my car so I usually get everything out of the car when its light.


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If it helps at all I will be taking my work van to tow my caravan with. I think I am arriving Tuesday (work permitting) and I live in Kent so if anyone needs it I will have quite a bit of space spare in the back for "lumpy" stuff like tents etc.

It is also possible at this stage that my friend will be meeting me there so I could even have a spare seat!

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