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Life on the forum - a thank you


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I joined this forum in January. I had decided to buy a Celestron 9.25 SCT and had shopped around and found FLO. They were extremely helpful ( I now know this is the norm) and I was pointed towards SGL.

I retired (well almost) at the end of last year and I had decided to buy myself a bigger scope and take advantage of the time that I could now spend on the hobby. Previously I had spent what time I could but I felt very much on my own and feeling my way in the dark (!).

But this fantastic forum has changed everything.

I've started a few topics on observing issues that I had always wondered about and got unfailingly helpful and comprehensive answers. Issues with equipment have been shared and I've benefitted enormously. I've learnt more in the last few months than I did in all the previous years.

It's not been kind on my pension-strapped bank balance sometimes because I'm always reading about the wonderful stuff that I should have. But every purchase has been much better informed and therefore better value.

I've also bought and sold using the classifieds - another great experience - so much trust and goodwill.

I've particularly enjoyed the regular posts of some members, I won't mention names but their enthusiasm, descriptive powers and patient assistance to newcomers is inspirational.

The overall tone of the forum with its calm air of authority and good humour is maintained beautifully by the moderators. I've only very occasionally witnessed anything that disturbed the calm and it was soon fairly and firmly corrected.

I've even been inspired to book at a place at SGL9 having never been to a star party before. I've no tent so I've booked to hire a motorhome - another first! I'm even considering wading into the murky waters of astro photography. Never thought I'd venture there!

So- thank you to all the members of the forum. There is seldom a day goes by when I don't log on and I always learn something, and am entertained and, above all, inspired by what I read.

I hope this doesn't sound over the top but I genuinely love the time spent here and I feel enriched. My enjoyment of this hobby has been enhanced immeasurably



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What a nice post, Kerry :)

I've learnt a ton on SGL too. Sometimes I browse a thread that I don't even think is that relevant to me, and end up learning something useful!

I hope SGL9 will be like that for you too. I've come away with some really useful tips from previous SGL's, though the very best thing has been meeting fellow SGLers :)

Hope to catch you there.

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Great post Kerry , and I'm sure many will feel exactly like you do regarding the sgl forum . I know I relied on it especially Lacking self confidence , meaning going to a local astro group was out of the question. So this forum had been an absolute godsend and inspirational.

Long live sgl !

( perhaps I'll get the confidence to jump on the star party wagon one day too )

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It is good to hear that Kerry. I too have learned so much here and even been a recipient of the generous nature of SGL.  Only a couple of years ago I had a member give me a piece of steel tube to make a pier and also he drilled the holes for me and only charged postage.  The generosity of this site never stops making me feel welcome.

It is a shame I no longer live in Aynho, we could have got together for a bit of observing.

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What a great response! I've been thinking of posting something like that for a while and it's obviously struck a chord. Bit busy this morning as we are  expecting visitors, but I will reply to the various comments properly when I can


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Your words are greatly appreciated Kerry. The forum is a great resource for amateur astronomers, and the Administration

will always strive to keep it that way, aided by the vast majority of  good members  like yourself.

We may  meet at SGL9 :smiley:


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Hello again. Thanks for all the replies (and the 'likes'!). I'm glad that I was able to articulate and sum up what so many people feel. I recall that my wife was watching something on telly that I wasn't interested in so i was browsing the forum as usual and really enjoying it, so I thought that it would be good to say a bit about that experience.

I didn't mention at the time that I also enjoyed contributing. As a few have said, it is good when you think that you can answer someone's question and i do like posting the occasional observing report.

I look forward to meeting some of you at SGL9. The motorhome is booked and Mrs L is all set - though I suspect that her attendance may depend on the weather prospects in the end. We all know that it was pretty grim at that time this year.

sbooder - I know Aynho well, but mainly as a place I used to drive through often. It would be good to get together with other locals and Shaun (Pig) has told me about dark site trips that take place near Northampton - so keep me posted Shaun.

So best wishes to everyone for the coming hols 



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