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Mars , Jupiter and perfect seeing..


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Hi, As some others have already said the conditions were perfect this morning at 3am so managed some good images with the Nexstar 4se, i think i got a polar cap on mars also. you can just make out Io in the middle of the GRS and the shadow really helped with focusing. I hope we get more nights like this...:p





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Thank you everyone for your replies :p

The Mars and larger Jupiter images were done with 2 and 2.5 x barlows together, the smaller Jupiter just the 2.5x. They are all from 3min avi's at 10 frames/sec dropped about 800 frames from each .But i think a lot has to do with the seeing conditions i knew it was going to be good when i first got the image in focus on sharpcap, there was lots more detail than usual and again in registax most of the detail appeared after moving just 1 wavelet slider. such a shame saturn wasn't up there as well..;)


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Those are rippers Jason :)

Let's hope you get some more great seeing.

My fav is the middle one as well :)

Thanks clayton, weather here is beautiful which is odd for this time of year. Will try and get some more images over the weekend


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi eyepod,

Thanks for sharing these pictures. It is quite inspiring for me. i also have a 4se. Would you be kind to tell me what is your high power eyepiece for visual used for jupter and mars and tell me a bit of the equipment required for me to start taking pictures as well?

Thank you


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