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Iris from Cornwall


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I've just got back from a mini-break down in Cornwall. The skies were nice and dark, so I took the 'scope with me. To my surprise, I was treated to a couple of clear nights! :-o

At SGL9, the plan was to gather some data on the Iris nebula with the goal of collaborating with Rob (Uranium235). Unfortunately, I didn't get the clear sky at SGL but now I have some data to contribute we'll surely have a go at combining the datasets soon... Not sure how well the refractor + reflector subs will combine together, but will be interesting finding out.

In the meantime, here's the stack of my side of the data. Quite happy to capture some of the fainter dust (albeit a bit noisy still). I feel this would have been impossible to extract from my light-polluted skies at home!

38x600s + flats, ISO800, Canon 450D

Skywatcher 150PDS

Vixen GP + finderguider & SPC900


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Thank you all!

It was near a village called Ladock. I'm not saying conditions were perfect (the transparency wasn't great the night I was imaging this) but it was very dark indeed - I couldn't detect any orange glow at all with my eyes!

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