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How many telescopes do you NOT own...


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What scopes have you sold, or given away, since entering this hobby. 

I've been at this for about 25 years, now, and the departed instruments are becoming more difficult to remember (memory being the second thing to go).


My list in ascending aperture, not chronologically, as best I can recall:

1)- Borg 50ED f/? in 80mm tube*

2)- Borg 60ED f/5.8

3)- Lunt 60mm H-a

4)- Towa 60 f/11

5)- Towa 60 f/15

6)- TV Ranger

7)- Stellarvue 80 f/6**

8)- Borg 100ED f/6.4

9)- Borg 100ED f/10

10)- Tak FC100 DC

11)- Tak TSA102

12)- Meade 114mm Newt on GEM***

13)- Agema SD120

14)- C-5

15)- Tak FS128

16)- Orion USA Argonaut (Intes MK67)

17)- TEC MC150

18)- A-P 155

19)- Coulter Odyssey 10" dob

20)- C-11

21)- C-14

22)- Starmaster 18" dob


I think that's all.


*I currently have the Borg 50ED f/10 in the 60mm tube.

**Vic Maris' first marketed telescope model, the AT1002, I bought from him October 2000. In 2007 he exchanged my scope for his production 80ED f/7 at no charge. I still own it.

***The first telescope I ever owned, and not a wise choice for a beginner. Newt collimation? Lousy instruction manual and shaky mount added up to much frustration. Given away.




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An interesting spin on a hot thread. Part of my issue is I do not sell much.

1. A 4.5” f/8 Newtonian Ona shaky GEM was my first scope and first to go.

2. An excellent 8” f/5 Newtonian on a small but smooth Alt Az.

3. Every scope I own (less one) if my wife had her way!!! 😉

Edited by DirkSteele
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I sold a Vixem SD103S to fund a C11. 

Should I have kept the SD103S, probably, however I sold it because I thought it would keep my wife happy and the C11 was actual sold to keep the owners wife happy.

Maybe we need a thread title how many scope have you sold or relocated to keep you partner happy? :)

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A pictorial history of some of mine. Yellow stars = I still own it, except for the 12 inch dob which I parted with last year. There have also been some duplicates over the years which are not pictured:



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Five years in and tried and sold a few:

Sky Watcher 130P

Sky Watcher 120ST

Sky Watcher 200P Dobsonian

Sky Watcher 150P

Sky Watcher Skymax 102


My current Skymax 127 and Altair Astro Starwave Ascent 102ED have for several months been earmarked for sale. They're definitely being advertised next week...

I only need one scope at the moment and the carbon fibre Stellamira 125ED fits the bill plus a couple of binoculars for travel.

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NexStar 4SE - ten years was long enough.

ST80 - turns out CA does bother me.

Skymax 102 - not sure why I sold this one.

150PDS - Not its fault it was undermounted.


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Crikey, the OP has gine through a few.  

l have sold:  

Celestron  Powerseeker 127 (my first) manual EQ mount (eek) 

Meade Etx90 (observing & planeteay imaging  

Meade Etx125 deforked for planetary

WO Megrez72 






SW Esprit100



Edited by carastro
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When I saw the title, I assumed the point of the thread was that some members would find it quicker to list what they didn't own.

Personally, I've not been going that long, and have only sold a few eyepieces so far.

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6" F8 homemade reflector

TAL 100R  x 2

Skywatcher Evostar120

Skywatcher ED100 1x black livery

                   ED100  1 x Champagne livery

Skywatcher 200P Newtonian

Skywatcher 200P Dobsonian

Skywatcher 300  Dobsonian x 2

Meade Lightbridge 12"

Starwave 102 f11 refractor

Tal/Skywatcher hybrid 100mm

Takahashi FC100DC

D&G Optical 5" f15 refractor  ( Andromeda)

Lyra Optic 102 f11 refractor

Bresser 10" Dobsonian

Orion Optics VX12L  12" F5.3 Dobsonian


Current scopes

APM ED152  refractor

114mm f14 AE Luton Ltd ( Arcturus ) refractor

Vixen ED103Swt

Orion Optics 12" f4 Dob

Although one of these will soon be leaving.


Edited by Saganite
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Some long lists above!

I must admit I only sold one telescope: a Lunt Ha 50mm. It was sold as I was not happy with the aperture.

That's all!

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Apart from the first three, these are in no particular order. Plenty of repeats in there, and a couple of scopes I have re-bought again after selling them and regretting it. It’s an illness, clearly 🤪

Celestron C150HD

Orion Optics OMC200

Astrotech 106mm f6.5

William Optics ZS SD66

Televue 76

Televue 85

Televue Genesis

Televue Genesis




Orion Optics VX12L

Orion Optics VX12L

Orion Optics VX12 f6

Orion Optics VX10L

(To be honest, it may have been two 10” and two 12”, I can’t remember!)

Burgess Optics 90mm

Stellarvue 80ED

Vixen 80mm f11.3

Vixen 80mm f11.3

Tak FS-60C

Tak FC-76DC

Tak Sky 90

TAL 100r


Sumerian Canopus 16”

Sumerian Alkaid 14”

TS 72mm f5.9

PST 40

Vixen 150mm f9


Carton 60mm f16.7

Tak Mewlon 210

Orion Optics 6” f11

Celestron C8 Edge

Celestron C925

Zeiss Telementor

Vixen FL102S

Heritage 130p

Heritage 150p

APM LZOS 130 f6

Orion Optics OMC140

Orion Optics OMC140

Intes 7” Mak


Celestron C65

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HHMM    Quite a question. Here goes - no particular order - 

OO 10 in reflector 

Celestron ED80

Celestron ED100

Borg 100 achro

Stellarvue 102

Skywatcher 200p

Meade LX90 10 inch SCT

Orion ST80

Skywatcher ED150 

Celestron C9.25 ( to @JeremyS ) 👍

Meade ED127 

Skywatcher 180 mak 


A much shorter list than I imagined. Dependent on memory cells which are on the decrease.    John 




Edited by Telescope40
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Good to reflect, so to speak;

Celestron C8 Celestar

Skywatcher 12" Flextube: manual version

TV 70mm Pronto

TV 76

Orion Optics UK VX14 Dob (still in my dreams)

A bunch of binoculars in the 10.5 x 70, 15 x70 range

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Skymax 127. My very first scope was a Skymax 180 (which I still have) but for light-polluted use in London my wife shortly afterwards bought me a Skymax 127. Then a member here offered a straight swap for a Skymax 150, which I accepted, so the 127 departed.

Skymax 150. A somewhat battered Intes M603 (also a 150mm Mak) came up on here, which I restored (and still have). So the Skymax 150 was sold.

Skywatcher 200p. I bought this as the largest aperture likely to be useful from London skies. But the tube was flexible, changing collimation as I changed altitude, and the secondary was smaller than the principal light-cone, so it was really only ever a 7” newt. Luckily just then a VX8 1/10 (which I still have, though re-tubed with carbon) came up, so the 200p went.

Skywatcher 300p, sort of. This one’s a bit involved. I’ve got rid of almost all of it in several stages. Trigger’s Broom one might say. Bought from here as my dark-sky larger-aperture companion to the skymax180. As it was it served me very well. But I later replaced the mirror with an OO 1/10. I replaced the tube with a Helmerichs carbon. I replaced the cell with an OO cell, and the secondary with a Hubble Optics. Only the spider and secondary boss remains (they’re quaking).

I’ve just sold my Leica Televid 62apo spotter to a friend here. I occasionally used it as a super-finder on my skytee2, but since I got my extraordinary Kowa 883 a number of years ago I’ve not taken the Leica out for birding.

That’s it I think.

Cheers, Magnus

PS I’m eagerly anticipating @Stu1smartcookie’s response. I reckon it’ll take him a few days to compile 😁.

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Mine would be:

Skywatcher ST80
OO OMC-140
Skywatcher 10" Newt
Celestron C9.25

I tend to keep scopes a long time, so don't expect any sales anytime soon! Possibly the 8" f4 - I've had it six months and used it once... The Helios 120mm is well over 20 years old - a keeper as you would expect.

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1 hour ago, Mr Spock said:

Mine would be:

Skywatcher ST80
OO OMC-140
Skywatcher 10" Newt
Celestron C9.25

I tend to keep scopes a long time, so don't expect any sales anytime soon! Possibly the 8" f4 - I've had it six months and used it once... The Helios 120mm is well over 20 years old - a keeper as you would expect.

.....and a Starfield 102 ED.....😉

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