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The Right to Dark Law


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17 minutes ago, Paz said:

Signed, when you sign consider if you can also flag it to your friends on things like facebook/twitter.

Check how your local area is responding, and promote, promote, promote...


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Come on sign up!!!


You may not agree with the exact wording, but this is an opportunity to get the ball rolling on a national level, instead of every individual having to argue their case.

There are THOUSANDS of SGL members, and potentially millions of people insterested in a dark sky for other reasonas. But only 570 signatures at present.

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Well this is the reply I got today from my MP on the matter of light pollution, its a summary of the present controls etc. that have us in this mess and he along with his Government chums feel it's ok and for the most part there's no plans to revise them. I will be writing back to say something along the lines of it's not nearly good enough and it's losing him votes. Seems there will be some review of the national planning policy framework this year.


Dear Steve,

Thank you for writing to me about light pollution.
The Government recognises the impact light pollution may have on people’s health and wellbeing, as well as the environment. Ministers have put measures in place to ensure that light pollution is managed effectively. These include controls in the planning system, the statutory nuisance regime, and improvements in street lighting. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has worked with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to ensure that the National Planning Policy Framework is clear that planning decisions should limit the impact of light pollution on local amenity, dark landscapes and nature conservation. The statutory nuisance regime requires that local authorities take reasonably practicable steps to investigate complaints of artificial light emitted from premises which could be damaging to human health or a nuisance. The management of street lighting in England and Wales is the responsibility of local highway authorities, which have a duty under the Highways Act 1980 to maintain the public highways in their charge, including street lighting. Central Government has no powers to override local decisions in these matters or intervene in these types of local issues. The Department for Transport recognises that light pollution, and excessive use of lighting, can pose some social, economic and environmental problems. Local authorities are encouraged to consider best practice when making decisions about lighting on their networks.
Our National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty have some of the best dark skies and attained some of the earliest official Dark Skies designations in Europe. Seven of our parks have secured protected dark sky status, and the Government is committed to conserving and celebrating this wonderful experience for all. The Government’s consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework focuses on delivering the right homes in the right places and giving local people a greater say on where to place new development. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities intends to undertake a fuller review of the framework later in 2023, and I look forward to considering the proposals in due course.
The Government considers that existing measures are sufficient to manage any problems caused by artificial light and there are no current plans to revise them.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.

Edited by Cornelius Varley
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The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee had a meeting today to discuss the issues of Noise Pollution and Light Pollution. 

The discussion on Light Pollution (including a question from Lord Martin Rees) is about an hour long, and includes representatives from the Institute of Lighting Professionals and other organisations. 


@SteveNickolls  it's probably worth pointing your MP to the link - because it's clearly recognised that there's much to be done, and the government should be active in the process of reducing light pollution levels. 

I have to pass on my thanks to Neill from gostargazing.co.uk who let me know that the HoL Committee were meeting today. 

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As much as I detest light pollution and believe we over illuminate the night, this proposed legislation will never happen. It’s a move from regulatory to punitive legislation. 
it will act to aggravate people who see benefits of artificial lighting, in short a wedge politics fight that will divide the two camps. Put it this way, think how the daily wail will report it.
Better to use time and energy to educate people and reach out to commercial businesses to improve practices and where people won’t listen to reason take them to task using statutory nuisance as a basis for complaint with EHOs at the Council. 

I have often thought that schools would be a good place to get a message out. Schools are cash strapped at the moment and particularly in case of primary schools lack a scientific syllabus. A good opportunity exists for local astronomy clubs to go into schools and offer an education on astronomy or in winter run after school clubs to teach the night sky and the damage of light pollution. 
I am a service lead in a local government  authority and I am a school governor. If anybody wants assistance on how to pursue complaints re statutory nuisance or how to approach a local school to partner the syllabus I am happy to discuss on message or via this thread. 

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On 24/03/2023 at 14:25, DogStar42 said:

Hello folks. I am not very active on forums, but thought I'd use this one to tell you of a petition I have started. It is on 'www.petition.parliament.uk' and is titled 'The Right To Dark Law'. Its aim is to get a law passed recognising a property owners right to a natural dark environment after sunset at their property, be it home or business. It has been open for a month or so now and got off to a slow start. Please read and consider signing, and spreading the word. Once you are on the green and white pages you are only a couple of minutes from completion. 

I have been driven to this due to neighbouring flats having a 'security' light that comes on at dusk and goes off at dawn. It floodlights the whole of my back garden all night. Debated with the local council environmental health dept and the local Housing Association, but no joy.  Any signers, thank you.

Hi. What you're doing is admirable, and I will happily support the campaign, because I too am absolutely sick and tired of horrendous artificial lighting beaming all over my flat and from, side and rear gardens! There is literally nowhere I can place my telescope to avoid the lighting. The best I manage is never shooting at a target unless it's positioned so my 'scope isn't pointing directly towards the various sources of lighting. Worst of all, 80% of the artificial lighting is the dreaded broad spectrum white LED's, so light pollution filters offer little protection. I haven't yet reached the level of skill required to do extreme narrowband imaging, with associated filter drawers/electronic filter wheels, expensive narrowband filters, extra processing etc etc etc, so I'm hoping when I do, that might offer more protection from those awful white LED lights. 

May I suggest, would it be possible for you to erect some sort of screen to protect your 'scope from direct interference from artificial lighting? This is something I'm planning on trying myself soon. I just thought I'd mention this idea I have, incase you hadn't already thought of it yourself. 

Best of luck and please update the post when you have news of the court case, if you have the time to do so, thanks.

Wes, Liverpool ( Bortle 7 on the map, but artificial lighting makes it more like Bortle 10'000! LOL )

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