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Everything posted by ShinyTwelve

  1. I see nothing wrong with asking a question like that. It was clear from the paper what was being done so I questioned his interpretation.
  2. What part of "ask them their opinion" was hard for you to take onboard?
  3. Why doesn't somebody ask the professionals for their opinion, such as Mark McCaughrean the Senior Scientific Advisor to ESA?
  4. In the box below the main image it lists the kit contents. The software is annotated as being for control/acquisition. "RadioUniversePRO control and acquisition software for Windows 10/11, designed to control all devices of SPIDER radio telescope and to collect radio astronomy data."
  5. Why on earth is a £3.5K mount so poorly setup before delivery?
  6. I love that image, the subtlety makes it stand out instead of bright red blobs making it "stand out". Less is more, well done.
  7. No you didn't. You got helpful advice to look beyond SGL if you didn't get an answer here.
  8. It weighs 17 metric tonnes!!!!!
  9. Have a look at https://www.parcelmonkey.co.uk/ I use them a lot. They have bulk purchase power and pass it on to the little man. You can get the parcel collected from your location as well.
  10. The big bang happened everywhere at once. I will not be responding to this thread any more. Bye. If I could block you I would!
  11. Firstly, the Universe does not have a diameter. It also does not have a centre. I really am not even sure where to start with your "theory".
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