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The Right to Dark Law


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Hello folks. I am not very active on forums, but thought I'd use this one to tell you of a petition I have started. It is on 'www.petition.parliament.uk' and is titled 'The Right To Dark Law'. Its aim is to get a law passed recognising a property owners right to a natural dark environment after sunset at their property, be it home or business. It has been open for a month or so now and got off to a slow start. Please read and consider signing, and spreading the word. Once you are on the green and white pages you are only a couple of minutes from completion. 

I have been driven to this due to neighbouring flats having a 'security' light that comes on at dusk and goes off at dawn. It floodlights the whole of my back garden all night. Debated with the local council environmental health dept and the local Housing Association, but no joy.  Any signers, thank you.

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I've just signed. Only 9,813 to go!

I fear we are still a way off any such measures, but it all raises the profile, so thank you.
(Then again, I'm old enough to remember when you couldn't expect to work in an office without breathing in your colleagues' cigarette smoke, and I never thought that would change in my lifetime)

Edited by Zermelo
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2 hours ago, Zermelo said:

I've just signed. Only 9,813 to go!

I fear we are still a way off any such measures, but it all raises the profile, so thank you.
(Then again, I'm old enough to remember when you couldn't expect to work in an office without breathing in your colleagues' cigarette smoke, and I never thought that would change in my lifetime)

The like was for the memory rather than anything else! Remember when people were allowed to pollute other people's air indoors - not just work places? Actually, it wasn't that long ago!

But seriously, yes , I'll sign too although with little hope things will actually go our way. Our meaning amateur astronomers. 


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I have signed. Security lights are daft. They use energy, and help crooks see what they are doing. I am lucky enough that my fence blocks the light show from the flats at the end of the Garden, and I spoke nicely with my neighbours and managed to get theirs turned off. Our neighbours on once side had lights that were not well shielded and shone about 1,000,000 candela straight into our bedroom window! They were pretty good about it when that was pointed out. If you see the effects of the lights in your bedroom, you have a stronger case I think. Otherwise, you'll have to make your own light shield if possible.

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An excellent idea - and I've emailed my MP to let him know about it. He's previously been encouraged to join the parliamentary group on Dark Skies, which he's declined to do, though he has said that he's asked to be put on their email list (whatever that is). 

It's good to see that the FAS (Federation of Astronomical Societies) has sent out an email notice to Astro Societies about the petition, so hopefully it'll get some traction with club members. 


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We need something like that over here in places. Personally i think all these outdoor security lights should have to be shielded and force the light down, it will never happen, but its a good idea 

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On to a different tangent...

The most intrusive light I suffer from in the back garden is from a neighbour's first floor room. It's a very bright unshaded bulb in a room with no curtains. There have ben nights where I've given up if I see this light on. Luckily it's normally off by the time I get going.

I can't see how this could be covered by a law.

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That's me signed. 

To add an emotionally charged comment, it's like society has become scared of the dark. Looking at it from a "green" point of view, can you imagine the energy and carbon savings from switching off street lights and office building lights? There's a an absolute filth of a street light right outside my garden, standing 20ft over it casting bright halogen light all over, and for what? There is nothing down my "street" - It's a dead end with a few garages in a line. Just turn it off. It's beyond frustrating and it's no wonder this thread is being moderated to the level that it is - people are going to do what they're going to do to deal with nuisance lighting, as there's absolutely no thought or recognition the other way, our way etc. All the while Mr. Einstein appears on telly asking us to turn down the heating, turn down the boiler.... What an absolute joke of a country.

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I've had a couple of issues with nuisance lighting in the past. One with a neighbour and one with a school across the road from me. In both cases communication both sorted out the problem and raised awareness with others of the negative effects of such lighting. Since then the neighbour has had a look though my scopes and I have undertaken some outreach sessions at the school. There is no need to resort to illegal action at all. 


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