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What did you see tonight?


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I got up very early this morning (4am!), having woken up with a start and realizing that I hadn't put our bin out for collection (they pick up early, often at 06.30 am)! 

So I popped on my dressing gown and went quietly outside to the back garden to fetch the bin..

WOW!! I was greeted by the most beautifully clear, dark morning, with Jupiter still brilliant in the west..but what really caught my attention was Orion, rising majestically in the south east, with Sirius about 10 -15 degrees above the horizon. Fabulous.

I was just rivetted..even fresh out of the house I could see a large section of the Milky Way running almost north-south, and hundreds and hundreds of faint stars everywhere.

I decided to count the stars I could see inside the Orion Quadrilateral..I managed 29 in total with direct and averted vision, including the Belt trio but not counting Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Saiph and Rigel at the corners of the Quadrilateral..

I've never managed that many before, so delighted at that👍🙂


PS It's now wall to wall foggy here, after a really heavy dew!🤦😂



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1 hour ago, F15Rules said:

I got up very early this morning (4am!), having woken up with a start and realizing that I hadn't put our bin out for collection (they pick up early, often at 06.30 am)! 

So I popped on my dressing gown and went quietly outside to the back garden to fetch the bin..

WOW!! I was greeted by the most beautifully clear, dark morning, with Jupiter still brilliant in the west..but what really caught my attention was Orion, rising majestically in the south east, with Sirius about 10 -15 degrees above the horizon. Fabulous.

I was just rivetted..even fresh out of the house I could see a large section of the Milky Way running almost north-south, and hundreds and hundreds of faint stars everywhere.

I decided to count the stars I could see inside the Orion Quadrilateral..I managed 29 in total with direct and averted vision, including the Belt trio but not counting Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Saiph and Rigel at the corners of the Quadrilateral..

I've never managed that many before, so delighted at that👍🙂


PS It's now wall to wall foggy here, after a really heavy dew!🤦😂



Superb. I wonder whether you were still reasonably dark adapted after a long sleep? Never done early morning observing, must give it a go….

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Just came in from my early evening session. Tried splitting Enif in Pegasus but failed once again. This is a tough one! M15 was partially resolved using averted vision. The waxing crescent moon was happier hunting, looked stunning at 48x with Dschubba in the same field of view 31' away. I saw Rima Cauchy for the first time, it looks like a slimmer version of the Straight Wall. Lovely 30 min session!

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4 hours ago, RobertI said:

Superb. I wonder whether you were still reasonably dark adapted after a long sleep? Never done early morning observing, must give it a go….

Thanks Rob..it's an interesting point..I did put minimal lights on to avoid disturbing my wife, but I was only outside for perhaps 8 or 9 minutes. I did also notice that some neighbouring lights a little way away, but which I can usually detect by a glow at 11pm or so at night, had been put out, so that may have helped.

Also, I do think, just from chatting with other neighbours in the village, that many more people are really trying to cut back their electricity consumption due to the huge price increases..perhaps a small silver lining to a very large cloud?🤔😊


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6 hours ago, Saganite said:

It is without doubt a superb time to observe, and, like yourself Dave, I have had stunning views of Jupiter and the Trapezium recently.  I have even managed a couple of hours sleep afterwards..

The joys of retirement.:grin:

Thanks Steve, yes, it was so good to see my favourite constellation once again..and a good reminder that Orion is always there, every day, just that we can't see it at some times of the year!😁


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4 minutes ago, F15Rules said:

Thanks Steve, yes, it was so good to see my favourite constellation once again..and a good reminder that Orion is always there, every day, just that we can't see it at some times of the year!😁


It’s my favourite constellation too, Dave


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A couple of brief sessions yesterday - an early evening chance viewing of the crescent moon as I was testing a recently  fixed RA motor drive with my StarQuest Mak set up - tracking it just skimming the top of a hill  creating an interesting visual effect in the dusk light. 
Later first light with my new 10mm Nirvana    - tested on Jupiter and Saturn with the Heritage 150p. Impressive wide and sharp view - definitely a keeper! 😀

Edited by Astro_Dad
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1 hour ago, sorrimen said:

Last evening quick 30 minute pavement session for outreach. Always a fun time, but makes me very jealous of those of you who can set up in your back garden 😁

A bit like John Dobson sidewalk astronomer?!😀

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Jupiter was amazing last night even though there was a thin haze I dare say it may have helped dim the planet allowing fine detail to come through easier. Now that I have adjusted the friction on my alt az mount perfectly, following objects is as smooth as using slow motion control knobs.


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5 hours ago, Astro_Dad said:

A bit like John Dobson sidewalk astronomer?!😀

Certainly feeling like it 😁

Did the same again tonight. Probably about 30 people for the moon, and finally managed to show 5 or so people saturn and jupiter. Simply one of the best parts of the hobby. Also got incredible views of both saturn and jupiter. Small white storms visible on jupiter with the spot and similar detail to images, saturn with a fairly clear cassini, but incredibly clear cloud banding and polar region. The ADC is pulling its weight now that I’ve figured it out for the newt, and my new baader zoom has got its value just from tonight alone. 

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4 hours ago, Sunshine said:

Jupiter was amazing last night even though there was a thin haze I dare say it may have helped dim the planet allowing fine detail to come through easier. Now that I have adjusted the friction on my alt az mount perfectly, following objects is as smooth as using slow motion control knobs.


That’s probably the most beautiful set up I’ve ever seen!

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Just packed up for the night , begrudgingly due to work tomorrow, but a good evening . Jupiter at its best for me tonight with more detail than that I’ve seen recently , Saturn was fine but the Cassini was barely visible and only in rare moments .M57 , 31 , 81 and 82 . Onto a few doubles which didn’t disappoint . I used the Celestron 8-24 zoom throughout the evening . To be honest the best magnification I could use for the planets  was the 12mm setting which gave me around 170 x , in the 8SE . Anyway , a good evening of visual . 

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Just came in. Now high clouds have appeared. Was using my C8. Jupiter was quite steady today. Lots of detail in the binoviewer at 225x. Also had a look at M27 with O3-Filter and the 45mm Plössls in binovision. Nice and contrasty! Then something new for me (at least cannot recall) - NGC40, a planetary. Good view in mono with the 15mm LV.

I also sketched Jupiter and NGC40…D601AFB3-3A81-4D46-AD86-640F967D1A80.jpeg.4241dfb014c43b380839e26680dba2d7.jpeg

Edited by Froeng
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Just packing up after an unexpected session. I saw lots and lots of things, including wonderful views of Jupiter and M31, but best of all, for the first time in 3 years I saw the deer lick group and Stephan's Quintet. And I am just very very happy!!!

Edited by Whistlin Bob
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