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The Sky-Watcher Explorer 200P I ordered from FLO arrived today. FLO were out of stock and so were the importers so I had to wait a little bit, but I asked FLO for an ETA and their prediction was bang on the money.

The scope is in good condition from what I can see. I'm yet to actually try it out (due to the fog that came out of nowhere today) but I'm sure it'll be fine. Thanks, guys!

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No, we do not have the telescope here. We are waiting on Skywatcher's UK importers who are themselves waiting on a delivery from China. If the telescope were in stock we would have dispatched it. All UK dealers are waiting on the same boat from China. With respect, I am sure we have advised you that it was out of stock and that we would dispatch it as soon as we recieved a delivery.



No no-one has yet responded to any of my emails asking if the item was in stock. In addition a previous post stated that "the delivery Arrived later than expected" implying that the delivery had actually arrived! I have had no replies to any emails hence why I am having to resort to posting on here

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I have had no replies to any emails hence why I am having to resort to posting on here

You have received three emailed responses and our posts here in this thread.

I shouldn't have cancelled my order with Pulsar I would have probably had my scope by now D'oh Hindsight is a wonderful thing :-) they were cheaper too!:D

I have canceled your order and refunded your payment. Pulsar Optical currently list the Explorer 130p as "In stock for immediate despatch". Their price is £172.49 which is more expensive than ours but they are offering a free book. Other dealers will also have stock following Skywatcher's next UK delivery due early next week.

I shall send a complimentary Planisphere as an apology for the inconvenience caused.



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No no-one has yet responded to any of my emails asking if the item was in stock. In addition a previous post stated that "the delivery Arrived later than expected" implying that the delivery had actually arrived! I have had no replies to any emails hence why I am having to resort to posting on here

Well I have just received a full refund despite not requesting one, I'm not sure what on earth is going on!

"Your order id 15244 from 14th January 2011 16:27 has been updated from "Payment Received" to "Order Cancelled" on 21st January 2011 09:54.

Additional Info: Refunded 21st Jan, customer not happy with delay, have suggested he try Pulsar optical"

Frankly I am appalled by how I have been treated by FLO! :D:mad::evil1:

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Stephen, please see my previous post, posted 2-mins before yours.



it took me more than 2 mins to write my message so it wasn't there when I started writing

At no point did I ask for my order to be cancelled. all I have asked on many occasions over the last week was "Is this item in stock?"

it was my mistake to say Pulsar were cheaper than you, it is due to them offering an inferior motor kit.

You may want to check your email server as I have not received any email replies

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Can i suggest that you PHONE First Light Optics and talk to them.

Whilst FLO sponsor SGL, this ISN'T the place to sort problems out. You are of course welcome to post about you dealings with FLO (Good or Bad) in the supplier review board.


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Ordered an EQ6 and a HitecAstro EQDIR adapter last weekend. Arranged delivery for today, as I was not at home during the week.

Two mahoosive parcels turned up at about 8:45 this morning. Can't fault that service.

The EQDIR isn't in the order, but I'll speak to FLO when they get a chance to answer the phones. It's no biggie as I am sure it is on it's way.

I've had lots of decent advice off them. Even when they have been flat out after XMas they have not made me feel rushed and have spent time talking through some options. I wish all retailers were like this.

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Can i suggest that you PHONE First Light Optics and talk to them.

Whilst FLO sponsor SGL, this ISN'T the place to sort problems out. You are of course welcome to post about you dealings with FLO (Good or Bad) in the supplier review board.


Ant I see your point but I have hearing difficulties so the Phone is not practical for me, this is why I choose Online retailers.

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Well I for one am very satisfied. I haven't bought that much from them, and the wee glitch has been sorted professionally and swiftly (the test of any service is not how well it normally works, but how well mistakes and errors are rectified).

Top marks from me.

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Ordered my telescope last Tuesday night.

I was kept up to date via email on the status of my order.

Dispatched Wednesday afternoon and arrived Thursday morning.

After unpacking I couldn't find the "free offer" eyepiece so contacted James that evening.

I got a swift response and one was sent out yesterday and arrived this morning.

I don't think you can really beat that kind of service.

As a result, I know where I'll be shopping for my next astronomy purchase. :D



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I think it is quite clear that Astro companies have seen a large increase in orders and enquiries following BBCs Stargazing Live. Just look at the new members joint this forum! I ordered a Astrorac last Friday from FLO and it was supposed to be sent out to me within 2 days. It's not arrived yet but Martin at FLO has kept me informed all along the way so everything has been perfect. It's coming direct from Astrotrac so the delay is nothing to do with FLO anyway but they have been chasing it up and keeping me informed.....I like their personal service. Thanks Martin

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Excellent service from FLO previously - now seems to be a bit slow (understandably - given the comments on order volume!) but getting hold of a human on the phone is somewhat difficult - which is more than just a frustration when one has an e-mail address that is commonly blocked by spam filters (I live in an "odd" location!)

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Ordered an EQ6Pro mount and other bits on a Thurs, 10 days ago from FLO. Informed immediately the mount may take a couple of days before dispatch due to the 'BBC effect'. Bang on money it arrived on Tues and they even arranged for naff weather over the weekend so I didn't feel hard done by :)

All this organised via email and the online shop so it can be done without the phone.

Am now looking into an observatory which is frustrating as the 2 companies I've emailed havn't come back yet after more than a week. As my local Ham Radio shop will atest, building good relationships will always yield multiples of the first purchase(the owner is always so happy to see me!).

Thanks FLO, I'll be back for more.....now if you only organised observatories....

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Finally took the plunge and purchased my first telescope!

(After trawling through reviews and going cross eyed trying to decide what would be best for me being my first scope!)

Really impressed by the service, very helpful and great fast delivery.

Now just waiting for skies to clear :)

Its a skywatcher 130m and I love it:hello2:

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Would just like to thank FLO for a great service.

Ordered my Hotech Collimator on Friday via the interent, recieved e mail on Monday saying it was being sent out today and it was waiting for me last night at home after coming in from work.

That is what I call a fast turn around:icon_salut:

Now all I need is some clear nights to try out the Hotech, when is that going to happen....


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I think the most impressive thing about FLO is that they actually have a visible ticketing system for after-sales support.

I don't know a single other online retailer who provides this, and it goes a long way to showing that they actually care about support, rather than considering it to be a 'necessary evil'.

I got my Skywatcher 10" Flextube from them, and they were extremely helpful with resolving a slight issue I had with the tracking motors.

Thanks guys at FLO, you'll be hearing from me next time I make an asto-stylee purchase.

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I think the most impressive thing about FLO is that they actually have a visible ticketing system for after-sales support.

I don't know a single other online retailer who provides this, and it goes a long way to showing that they actually care about support, rather than considering it to be a 'necessary evil'.

Thank-you for noticing :(

As far as we can tell we are the only UK astro dealer to have invested in a proper helpdesk system for enquiries. It isn't cheap and isn't perfect - it doesn't actually answer enquiries for us - but we could not be as efficient without it.

Astronomy is a science, it has a language that is unfamiliar and intimidating to beginners. Think back to the time when you didn't know the meaning of words like Schmidt Cassiegrain, Maksutov, apochromatic, Newtonian, Alt-Azimuth, parabolic primary, f-ratio, exit-pupil, GEQ, OTA, FPL-53, and so on. Not surprisingly we receive a tremendous amount of enquiries, this morning Martin alone was juggling 76 separate and ongoing emails. There are four of us here, three of us on the helpdesk, but there are still times when we are overwhelmed. And every day the helpdesk's spam filter bins a legitimate communication and we receive a handful of 'Mail delivery failed' notifications when we respond. It isn't easy but we always do our very best :)


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