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Everything posted by smudgeball

  1. Hi, thanks Do you know I was thinking about that as I have a VERY cheap gamepad out in my obsy and potentially damp/corroded contacts? But I have since bought a mini pc and mounted it on the pier with just two usb cables going direct to it. Not had a single issue since. I'm sticking with Green Swamp Server instead of eqmod as I prefer the user interface. I still use the PC in the obsy but just use a remote session to the mini pc instead. Thanks for all the input Regards Neil
  2. Well as an update, I've tried it with the handset with no issues and have now changed over to GSS. So far so good. Fingers crossed for weather tonight to see how it goes? To fill in the gaps above, I run the mount off a Nevada PS-08 6-8A Regulated Linear Power Supply and connect with a Lynx Astro silicon power cable. Neil
  3. Thanks for the reply I'm running all eqdir so input is onscreen so to speak. But yes it slews to the East and just keeps going until I stop it. Not straight away and if I slew to a target it will stay there for a bit and then just start up and slew. Always what I would call full speed or "4" in the eqmod panel. Certainly not behaved like this in the past. I think trying with handset will be a good test. I'll update if I find anything. Thanks Regards Neil
  4. Hi all I've currently got an issue with my NEQ6 Pro and wonder if anyone has seen this before? My setup is permanent with the mount on a pier. I connect via a usb3.0 powered hub using a Lynx astro eqdir cable to a desktop PC. Mount has been running fine for many years but a couple of weeks ago I left an imaging session running and returned to my obsy to find the mount had randomly continued in RA. I have done the Rowan belt mod so the belts were slipping with my telescope jammed against the front latitude bolt !! As a precaution I've replaced the belts, however the mount still has the previous issue. I will connect to the mount and it will be fine for a few minutes but will then start to move in RA with no input from me ??? It keeps going so I end up having to hit the STOP button on the EQMOD control panel. The rotation is always "opposite to sidereal" if that makes sense. I'm probably going to try some fault finding by replacing EQDir with the handset for starters but wondered if anyone had experienced this behaviour before ? Thanks Neil
  5. I take darks but there is zero glow from my example. I find noise well controlled on it. I did consider the 533 but wasn't sure about a "square" sensor. I'm not sure if price point necessarily equates to quality in that regard? From my 102
  6. Hi, I've used my 269 with a Megrez 72 (current) and GT102 (currently stored) I agree that all the online calcs and "seeing" etc can be too much. I also think the numbers you get are based on ideal conditions (what are they ?) Certainly the 269 gives very clean subs, I do calibrate but mostly for the dusty obsy I have 🙂 Neil
  7. It's a challenge (why my OSC has an Optolong L-Extreme fitted !)
  8. This season I've got a Megrez 72mm, so 102 is back in it's case. But with 102, PARK was horizontal to close roof. With 72mm it parks to normal position. I went with 7x5, could have fitted 8x6 but wanted minimum to retain some garden space down side. Oh and it's definately filling up with junk !! Must have a tidy up at some point.
  9. It's on four rollers but I added some I guess you would call stabilisers inside (you can see one in the picture inside) just helps it run true as it does move a little as you open up. But just a typical roller
  10. I got a company that makes sheds to modify their "outdoor jacuzzi" model ! Sent some drawings of what I wanted and they created it for me. Basically a 7x5 with reinforced walls and out runners for the roof. The roof is pent t ype sloping down away from that photo to rear
  11. Yep (ignoring the moaning from my other half coming down to a kitchen in the morning full of kit) I wouldn't be doing astrophotography anymore if I hadn't got myself a roll off roof obsy. Not the biggest, but I have a setup that I can now be going with in ten to fifteen minutes. Neil
  12. Afternoon, I run a 269c on my WO Megrez 72 with 0.8 flattener / reducer. I used to have a 183c as well. Obviously the protec cooling is a bonus but you are paying more. There is amp glow on the 183c but it calibrates out ok. Amp glow is non-existant from my 269c and it works well on APT (don't know what you use ? AA capture ??) 269c looks a good match for your scope on ccd suitability calculator. I'm really pleased with mine. Regards Neil
  13. Hi all Don't know if you can help. I'd like to blow the dust off my 80mm APO and give my WO 102 a break next season to do some wide field instead. Now the focuser on the revelation is....well, not very good? I'm wondering if it's possible to upgrade to something with a fine focuser? If it was not financially viable, then I would head out to buy a 60 - 80mm replacement (assuming you can actually buy a scope these days ? 😄 ) Any ideas, thanks Regards Neil
  14. Terrible news, I'm the membership secretary of our local astronomy club and we've just agreed to send a donation. Hope they can get back up and running again soon. But why (if it was started deliberately) do people do this ? Neil
  15. Oooo errr, that scrubbed up well ! Nice looking setup Neil
  16. Should have added my Altair Astro Hypercam 269c is connected with a 0.8 Field Flattener / Focal Reducer to my William Optics GT102 refractor. I use this for deep sky astrophotography. My hypercam 183c is mostly used on my 80mm refractor.
  17. Nothing wrong with your scope, just different scopes perform different tasks better than others. I started off with a Celestron 6SE and DSLR on the back, great on planetary imaging but soon moved to a refractor. I think the point people are making is to get you to enjoy the journey. With 1k to 1.2k budget, perhaps split it 800 on a nice CMOS OSC and spend 400 - 500 on a nice refractor? Assuming it fits on your mount of course. So don't go selling the Edge !! 😀 I'm sure more people will jump in with ideas. (as I mentioned, I'm far from being an expert)
  18. Some sound advice above Is this your first venture into astrophotography? Edge HD for nebula?? I've been doing astrophotography for over ten years and still consider myself a novice, but I don't think that is as suitable as say an 80mm frac as mentioned. Not wanting to put you off but that's a big spend if it's your first camera? Don't want you ending up frustrated with astrophotography and potentially out of pocket. I personally use Altair CMOS OSC, but previously had a mono ATIK CCD plus filters. Neil
  19. I do tend to sell or trade before buying something new, BUT it's my birthday on Friday, so look out folks !! ⛈️
  20. Mine was actually just under two weeks ago and we had clear skies for a couple of nights (honest !)
  21. If I was to start over again ? itelescope.net subscription and check if my off-licence does home delivery ?
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