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Hello from Staffordshire


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Good morning, I have browsing around the forum digesting and taking in various informative knowledgable posts.


Always had a keen interest in photography, which has been passed down to my daughter who is studying the subject at Falmouth University. Where does my interest in the stars come from you may ask? That can be accredited to my mum who used to point out the star formations in the nights sky’s when I was a kid.


I have never really gone into astronomy in depth, but always toyed with the idea of one day owning a telescope, then last week I was servicing a boiler and in the corner of the garage was this telescope, I asked my customer if it was his hobby and his wife chirped up “More like an expensive clothes horse!!”. It’s not working and it’s off to the charity shop. Well curiosity got the better of me, so with a shake of a hand and the wavering of the price of the service I know have this expensive clothes horse in my lounge ??.


What have I got? It’s a Celestron NexStar 130 SLT with a box of spare lenses, I sat down that evening, got the laptop out and searched on U tube on how to work it ?


This is where a little disappointment set in, I plugged the handset in and it came up with a package error, done a little search and I am hoping that it’s just a firmware update needed, anyway I have ordered the cables, but one of them is out of stock ?


So that’s where I am at at the moment, looking forward to hopefully contributing to some threads in the future.





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35 minutes ago, rwilkey said:

Hi Husqvarna, welcome to SGL, I have worked in Stoke (Victoria Road) if that's near where you live!

Stoke is about 1/2 hour from me, I live a stones throw away from Shrugborough Hall ??

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