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When Uranus reaches opposition, it will ... illuminate the sky


... even at its brightest, the planet will only show up as a faint blue green speck in the vast expanses of the dark night

More like it! ;)



Incidentally, the discovery of Uranus was a historic moment for astronomy, because it was the first planet to be discovered with a telescope. ... Uranus is also the only planet in the solar system to be named after a Greek god ...

According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranus, Sir William Herschel observed Uranus on 13 March 1781 and proposed the name Georgium Sidus (George's Star). Johann Elert Bode proposed Uranus in 1782. Bode's suggestion became the most widely used and became universal in 1850.

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Such a shame I'm going to miss it tonight because it's cloudy. Amazing that I would have been able to see it tonight at mag 5.7, 3.7 arc seconds diameter, I'll have to get my scope out at the weekend to view it at......oh wait...... mag 5.7, 3.7 arc seconds.

It'll be such a nightmare if I even miss that, and don't get a chance until, say, the end of November when it will only be Mag 5.7, 3.7 arc seconds diameter.

I could go on.... ;););) 

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I've just been out on my patio to look due south and I think I can see it lighting up the sky, unfortunately due to Ophelia the Saharan sand and dust from the Portuguese wild-fires is making it look orange like a sodium street light!!

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Great pic Davey - I can recall observing that conjunction :smiley:

The annoying thing about reports like this is that they simply don't bother to check anything of it out before publishing. You might think that someone would think that a quick call to somewhere like the BAS might be worthwhile just to check the facts but they just slap the story out there :rolleyes2:

And yet the author of this rubbish calls himself a journallist !


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9 minutes ago, Stu said:

'''Tis a little like 'super' moons, they make far better headlines than 'a little bit brighter than last month' moons ;) 

And this fine artist impression of the passing asteroid from recently.




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I had a clear spell for about 10 minutes and took a few images. Just running them through nova.asrometry.net now but it's not showing Uranus, just the ngc and IC catalogue surrounding it. Does nova.asrometry.net not show planets?

It should be in this image according to stellarium


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58 minutes ago, Tomjo59 said:

Showing my age, but I remember when the Daily Express was a decent newspaper.

Seems to have a weird obsession with the weather these days too.

Wouldn't mind if they put a bit of effort into it but they just recycle the same heatwave, coldwave, forecast every year pretty much word for word :grin:


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