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Kielder Star Camp - a timelapse

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I've been going to star parties for about 10 years now and more recently have taken up time lapsing - partly to get around the lack of clear skies (time lapsing isn't as dependent on completely clear skies as regular astro-imaging is) and partly as it means less kit to cart around... although I now seem to have accumulated too much again.

Attached is a time-lapse I've put together of several timelapses taken at Kielder Star Camp last year, spring and autumn, and this years spring event we've just had. Star parties are about the stars/astronomy of course, but are also social events (it's usually cloudy after all) and it' always great to catch up with old friends and make new ones.

But... if the skies are clear get things get very busy! The most recent star camp was warm and sunny over the Saturday and Sunday (rather rare!). When it's looking pretty likely it will be clear everyone is out making sure their setups are working, batteries are charged and so on and there's usually a general sense of anticipation that builds as it gets dark.

These timelapses show the red lights used by astronomers (red light doesn't ruin your night vision) and if you are sensitive to flickering lights maybe don't watch the time-lapse :)

I hope you enjoy this... it's been enjoyable (albeit cold!) capturing the timelapses although processing them afterwards can be a time consuming pain ;)

If you've got a fast internet connection its best to watch the time-lapse in at least HD (1080p) - 4K is better.

Detaily stuff...

Most taken with a Canon 6D, 25 second exposures at ISO3200 using a Samyang 14mm lens. Orion picture taken with an astro-modded Canon 650D. Processed in Lightroom with LRTimelapse.



PS Looking forward to the SGL star party in the autumn :)


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3 hours ago, happy-kat said:

I liked the view when you put your camera on the floor on it's back

I used a fisheye lens for that one - and put it on a tripod but with the legs extended out at nearly 90 degrees - it looked like a spider. The ground underneath was about 3-4 inches of mud so I wasn't so keen to put the camera on it :)


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That's a particularly well presented timelapse. I really enjoyed it.

I like the way you've controlled the low down light pollution. Neat.

I also like the " Event " at 01:07 and the way you wrote the music to coincide with it !


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Thank you for the kind comments folks, I'm looking forward to doing the same at the next SGL star party...

@The Head Gardener there's no shame in that. Two all nighters at Kielder and late nights processing data since then has left me wishing I had gone to bed a little earlier..

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That's a wonderful video. I have issues with sound, on my laptop at the moment, so, silence..But the video image itself, having been to Kielder Star camp in November 2016, brought back lots of great memories. 

The clear dark skies in you video show what a wonderful place Kielder Forest is.

A real pleasure to watch.

Thanks for taking the time to edit and post here.

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3 hours ago, clarkpm4242 said:

What mount/slider combo do you use?



PS  I may post a totally static beginner time lapse from the Elan Valley last weekend...

Go for it :)

I mostly use a tripod with a Vixen Polarie on it with a time lapse adaptor attached to the Polarie gives a steady panning efffect (either clockwise or anti-clockwise). For proper 'sliding' I use a Digislider. Only got one axis of movement, well, two if I attach the Polarie...

2 hours ago, hobsey said:

Absolutely superb. 

I really struggle with timelapses. 

I never get the interval right.

Thank you :) Most of mine are 25 second exposures with a 28 second interval. I could reduce the interval slightly as I have a fast card or two. As long as the interval is long enough for your camera to write to the card (or laptop)... which for me is 1-3 seconds..any longer than three and the time lapse can start getting jumpy...



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33 minutes ago, James said:

RAW every time  - it can create storage space problems but it gives you so much ability to edit the results..


Thanks James, I'll have a practice in the back garden.

Is there any chance of a bit of a timelapse tutorial at the next SGL Lucksall ?


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