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Hello! i was wondering how the Explorer 150P and the 150P-DS version is doing when it comes to both deep sky and planetary imaging, and that was when i thought i could make this topic!:hello2:

All i ask for is that if you have any pictures taken with two of the scopes, please post them and their specifications (light_, Darks_, ISO_ etc) in this topic.

Hope this will help others than just me, and that we will be able to learn a bit more of the two scopes capabilities:grin:


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Here are some photos of the Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn taken in 2011 with my 150PL and a Philips web cam.  

Camera settings for the Jupiter image are given below.  Will have to dig a bit deeper to find the settings for the other images.

[Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera]
Frame Rate (fps)=10.00
Colour Space / Compression=YUY2


Capture 01_11_2011 21_59_45.jpg

Capture 03_03_2012 22_47_46.jpg

Capture 18_03_2011 22_29_19.jpg

Capture 08_02_2011 20_15_03.jpg

Capture 12_02_2011 19_18_05.jpg

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2 hours ago, Uranium235 said:

Might be useful if images were posted in this thread so its a "one stop shop" for 150pds images (similar to the 130pds thread).


Cygnus Wall, work in progress

Mount: AZ-EQ6 GT

Scope: SW 150PDS

Camera: Pentax K20D, not astromodded

17 x 8 min exposures at ISO 800, no guiding

Processed in PixInsight, somewhat cropped


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I know that I posted this image in another sub forum already, but as a proud 150PDS owner, I like and support this thread. So here goes

30 x 8 minutes unguided @ ISO 800 with an unmodified Pentax K20D, Baader LP filter

SW 150PDS on an AZ-EQ6 GT mount, Baader coma corrector

Processed in PixInsight


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Nice images. Which mount do you use for this scope?

To get rid of an uneven background:

In PixInsight you would use Dynamic Background Extraction

In PhotoShop you would use GradientXterminator, I believe

In GIMP there is no good way, but you may try to make a duplicate of the image as a new layer. Blur that with a large radius to remove any detail. Probably you will need several passes. Then subtract this duplicate from the original. It will probably take a lot of experimentation, but it can improve the image.

Hope this helps

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While waiting for the North America nebula to pass the meridian (I have a street lamp about 15 - 20 meters south east of my imaging spot), I took a few shots of the Crescent nebula.

Over the same two nights that I collected data for the Cygnus Wall image, I collected 8 stackable subs of NGC 6888. This target is much dimmer than the Cygnus Wall, and the number of stacked subs is much smaller. So there is nowhere near as much detail in this image.

8 x 8 minutes unguided at ISO 800. Imaged with an unmodified Pentax K20D, Baader LP filter

SW 150PDS on AZ-EQ6 GT mount with Baader coma corrector.

Processed in PixInsight, but not as much of it as for the Cygnus Wall

This target needs longer exposures, and lots more subs to become a decent image.


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I took this with a 150P.  With a CCD camera there was a problem with the stars being flattened on one side and it is likely due to the focusser protruding into the tube.  Whether this would be a problem with a DSLR or whether the PDS version would eliminate this I don't know. 

Taken from a LP location in SE London

Ha 9 x 900 secs 
Oiii & Sii each 7 x 450 secs binned 
Atik 314L & SW 150P



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  • 3 weeks later...

It was a very very hard choice for me between the 130pds and the 150pds, I did finally go for the 130 but one of the big advantages you have with the 150 is its balance. I am impressed with the Horses Head above

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11 minutes ago, Adam J said:

It was a very very hard choice for me between the 130pds and the 150pds, I did finally go for the 130 but one of the big advantages you have with the 150 is its balance. I am impressed with the Horses Head above

Hope you enjoy it! Some people on this site have posted some stunning images taken with the 130pds... They are both great scopes for imaging :icon_biggrin:

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6 minutes ago, StargeezerTim said:

Hope you enjoy it! Some people on this site have posted some stunning images taken with the 130pds... They are both great scopes for imaging :icon_biggrin:

Yeah i would not swap it out. :)


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1 hour ago, StargeezerTim said:

Hope you enjoy it! Some people on this site have posted some stunning images taken with the 130pds... They are both great scopes for imaging :icon_biggrin:

Hear, hear. You proved that for the 150PDS.

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Just purchased myself one of these scope as an upgrade from my c6-n should have it by Monday. Do you all use a coma corrector or can you make do without for a while.

Next on the list is to upgrade my mount. Just trying to make sure I spend the money I have where needed most.


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Hi, just joined the party and hopefully picking mine up second hand this weekend!

Regarding the coma corrector Spillage, I would assume it is a worthwhile investment, if serious about imaging but like you will probably get it sometime in the new year, as funds allow.

I plan on using mine straight away and getting to 'know' the scope without it for now.

I would possibly look at upgrading the mount but see what the scope / mount combination currently gives you first, as correctly balanced and with little wind your current mount may surprise you - adding weight to the legs or spreader can improve rigidity as well.

Hope this helps and enjoy your scope when it arrives.

Clear skies,

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You can certainly use the scope without coma corrector. But once you have one, you'll wonder how you ever managed without. Stars are much tighter with cc. I have the Baader, which doesn't change focal length.

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  • 1 month later...

It's a while ago anyone has posted in this "150PDS fan thread", so here's my contribution.

I finally took the step to guiding, and can now go for the slightly fainter stuff.

18 * 600 sec (3 hours) of M52 and NGC 7635.

150PDS on an AZ EQ6GT, imaged with a non-modified Pentax K20D

Processed in PixInsight


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