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Hello from Burton Upon Trent


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Hi Everyone, Tim here.

Been a member for a few weeks now and thought it was about time I took the plunge and made my first contribution to the site by introducing myself...been interested in Astronomy from an early age and was given a small telescope when I was about 10 years old ( it was a toy really ) which sort of put me off really as you couldn't see a thing through it. Leap forward 20 odd years and I rekindled my interest and purchased a Meade etx70 which gave me a much better understanding / view of the night sky. Recently sold the scope and have today taken delivery of a Skywatcher 200p which is sat boxed in the kitchen ( birthday present and wife won't let me open it til tomorrow) So really looking forward to getting the scope outside and seeing what it can do.

Cheers Tim.

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hi mate and welcome from south wales,tomorrow starts a 24.00.so you may get firstlight tonight,"well thats the way i see it anyway" your wife might see it differently. 200p good scope,out of all my scopes it the one id never let go. all the best.charl.

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Hello Tim and welcome to SGL brilliant present. Set your alarm for 1 minute past midnight ( you'll be legal then) get the scope unpacked and built should take about 40 minutes including time for a brew Keep fingers crossed for clear skies and you could be up and running by 0100 tomorrow. What a brilliant way to start your birthday ! Enjoy and good luck.

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Thanks so much for the friendly welcome and birthday wishes, I really appreciate everyone taking the time to reply. Its so cloudy here so might be good and wait til tomorrow to unwrap the scope or......I might just get up in the early hours !

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Hi Tim and welcome to SGL, by now you will have opened the box and be looking at a nice new scope, fully assembled I don`t doubt, anxiously awaiting your first clear night. Enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :) 

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