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DIY Solar Filter


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So, with the pending eclipse, I have my glasses ready and some pairs for the kids, but thought I might as well make the most of it and try and view with the telescope and, just maybe, take a couple of basic shots to commemorate. So I spent the weekend making a solar filter to use on Friday...which, judging by the forecast, will end up being used a week later when the sun can actually be seen, but I am still hoping for clear skies.

It is a very basic model, but I thought I would share my efforts here in case anyone else was thinking of having a go.

Materials were very simple.

  1. Baader Solar Filter sheet - A4
  2. Corrugated Cardboard
  3. Gaffer Tape
  4. Sticky back black felt
  5. Double sided sticky-tape.
  6. Compass
  7. Stanley Knife
  8. Ruler
  9. Scissors

I also bought a 10inch Embroidery Ring to clamp it down onto the scope (I built it for a 200p Dob), but may not need it other than as extra safety a the whole thing is pretty tight when it goes on.

So here goes:

Firstly I took two, roughly 12inch square stiff carboard squares that came from two paintings I hung at the weekend and cut two circles from them, a little larger than the aperture of the scope.


I couldn't go "full-size" for the filter as the A4 sheet wouldn't cover it, so I also cut a 170mm aperture from the centre of each circle, so I ended up with two rings that would eventually sandwich the filter material between them


I then wrapped a 6 inch-wide piece of corrugated around the end of the scope and secured with gaffer tape to get started on the main body of the filter. I did this with 3 pieces of card to add rigidity and so that the width of the cylinder matched the diameter of the discs prepared above. I can't give you the exact measurements as I kind of went on a wing and a prayer when doing that!



I then simply taped up the edges to hold everything in place.


(Sorry about the orientation of this pic!)

When the edges were done, I then "flocked" the inside of the cylinder with two A4 pieces of felt cut in half.



Then on to the Solar Film. I basically laid this flat on tissue paper as per the instructions that came with the filter paper and took one of the pre-cut discs, covered it in double-sided tape...


...and then lowered it on to the film so that it stuck. Be careful to make sure you don't stick it to the side with the clear protective film (or that you have carefully removed) because, otherwise, the disc will lift away from the solar film when you lift it as it will be stuck to the protective film. I also covered the inner edge of one of the rings in gaffer tape as this would be the top ring, exposed to the elements and it would be impossible to cover once the solar film was in place.

Anyway, I forgot to take a photo at this stage, so you will have to use your imaginations I'm afraid.

Having stuck the film to one ring, I took the other ring (already covered in double-sided tape) and connected the two to sandwich the solar film in between. I then trimmed the excess

Then it was just a matter of joining everything together. So I took the filter rings and placed them over the cylinder


And secured everything in place


And then just covered the whole thing in gaffer tape to "seal" it all up



And there it is. It fits very snugly on the scope and seems to be doing it's job. I still have to test it with the sun, but it blocks out the light from various halogen bulbs around the house with, seemingly, no leakage around the edge where the cylinder joins the discs. Will hopefully get a chance to test it out before Friday. 

I don't know if the filter sitting 2-3 inches away from the natural scope aperture will be a problem but I can easily adjust it after testing if it doesn't work - I am sure it will be fine though.

It's not pretty, but it seems to work and, if I look after it, I should be able to get some use out of it!

And I have just enough solar film to repeat (on a smaller scale) for the finder scope.

Hope that is helpful to anyone thinking about doing the same!

Just remember to check the film before using it to look directly at the sun and, if it is damaged in anyway, don't use it!

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Thanks Roger, Bryan! I am hoping it will last a while...although I can see me getting sucked into Solar viewing now! And, yep, the forecast down here is appalling, so I am not too hopeful!

Dave, that is fantastic - I did actually think about using a cake tin, brilliant idea - just don't forget and fill it with cake mix!

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I went to the hardware store and bought a petrol funnel.

I crafted the nozel to accomodate my 8mm eyepiece.

I dismantled an old lcd panel from an old laptop and cut two of the backlite films in two which gave me a four sheet thickness to make as a screen that I taped to the end of the funnel.

THe resolution is great with my Orion 80mm ED scope.

Looking forward to Friday.



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Hi - Just made one this week also, used an supermarket 24cm cake tin £4 and stiff white card also, fits my LX90 perfectly, it clicks into position, you would think it was a bought item.


That is just brillant !

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  • 1 month later...

I went to the hardware store and bought a petrol funnel.

I crafted the nozel to accomodate my 8mm eyepiece.

I dismantled an old lcd panel from an old laptop and cut two of the backlite films in two which gave me a four sheet thickness to make as a screen that I taped to the end of the funnel.

THe resolution is great with my Orion 80mm ED scope.

Looking forward to Friday.



I presume you also have film on the front end?

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