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Let's see your 1st DSOs


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I had been working quite a bit on a barndoor tracker, and finally it was time for testing. I remembered some wise words saying what counts is three things:  dark sky, dark sky and dark sky. So I went out of the city and polar aligned (sort of),  put my standard dslr and a 300 mm zoom lens on the tracker and managed to find M42. This is the least catastrophic of the 4 sec exposures I took. Then I was hooked... 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Posted in a thread I started but thought I’d post here too. M31 Andromeda. So, so pleased with my first effort with the 72ED, what a great bit of kit that is! Been so frustrated for so long using a cheap DSLR lens and not getting great results but that is now a thing of the past! Goodbye money!


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  • 3 weeks later...


Borrowed a camera from work for the weekend and mounted on my EQ5GT mount. Polar alignment was rubbish because I was rushing.

This was my first time using anything like deep sky stacker, and the first time I've taken a photo of the sky. I was fairly impressed with the results, although I didn't seem to get the flat files right, so I didn't use them - 100 lights, 50 bias and 50 darks.

Sony A9II with a 200-600 f5.6-6.3 lens set at the long end. ISO800, Shutter speed of six seconds.

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  • 5 weeks later...

My first attempt, taken on the 6th Feb, the first night I got my new mount up and running, the first time I managed to photograph a DSO. I only managed 10x120s subs before the clouds came over. My girlfriends Canon 1000D, my old (I've had it at least 20 years) Orion Optics Europa 150 f/5. I was unable to focus the camera in prime focus setup, so I was using eyepiece projection with a 38mm ep. M42 was only about 30 degrees above the horizon, bortle 6 skies according to the map I've found, and it was quite close to a very bright moon. My first attempts at processing were horrible, this isn't much better, but I did finally persuade ASTAP to stack 8 out of the 10 subs. I've never done any photo processing before, so it's all a learning curve. I didn't take any darks that evening, but I took some a few days later sat in my lounge, much warmer camera, but it did make a bit of a difference. Next time I'll know to take darks at least.

I've changed the setup now so I have the end from an old barlow lense on a shorter nosepiece for the DSLR, just got to wait for some clear skies now to see what I can manage.


Edited by Endolf
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On 19/02/2020 at 02:45, Endolf said:

My first attempt, taken on the 6th Feb, the first night I got my new mount up and running, the first time I managed to photograph a DSO. I only managed 10x120s subs before the clouds came over. My girlfriends Canon 1000D, my old (I've had it at least 20 years) Orion Optics Europa 150 f/5. I was unable to focus the camera in prime focus setup, so I was using eyepiece projection with a 38mm ep. M42 was only about 30 degrees above the horizon, bortle 6 skies according to the map I've found, and it was quite close to a very bright moon. My first attempts at processing were horrible, this isn't much better, but I did finally persuade ASTAP to stack 8 out of the 10 subs. I've never done any photo processing before, so it's all a learning curve. I didn't take any darks that evening, but I took some a few days later sat in my lounge, much warmer camera, but it did make a bit of a difference. Next time I'll know to take darks at least.

I've changed the setup now so I have the end from an old barlow lense on a shorter nosepiece for the DSLR, just got to wait for some clear skies now to see what I can manage.


Awesome.. reminds me of what my 1st M42 look like...


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I just had my first attempt at m42 this evening. The histogram looks like I blew out the image a little bit but it came out ok with a quick bit of processing.

I will look for a good tutorial of processing the nebula at the weekend... might get a little bit more out of it before I can try and shoot it again.



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17 hours ago, Lancebloke said:

I just had my first attempt at m42 this evening. The histogram looks like I blew out the image a little bit but it came out ok with a quick bit of processing.

But to compensate you got plenty of the faint stuff. Tip, when doing M42, get the main data, then quickly take 20-30 images each a 10 seconds long. That's plenty to give you a 'trapezium' layer to blend in.

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Managed to get some more colour in the image. Learning the whole processing thing but more luck than judgement at the moment. 

I will try and get both the colour and the detail/nebulosity when I get a few hours tomorrow. 



Well... final process below. Think that is about as good as I can get it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is my first attempt at M42 Orion from back on 6th February 2020. At this point it was my first time using a Skywatcher 200P with EQ5 GOTO mount and a Canon 600D Stock DSLR Camera. Images captured via Backyard EOS and consisted of:

Lights = 30 x 20 sec @ ISO800

Darks = 10 x 20 sec @ ISO800

I have processed this with Photoshop, to which I'm a complete newbie as well! Happy with the detail, need to work on colours. The scope was also out of collimation at this point and I didn't have a bahtinov mask either.

Just waiting on more clear skies!


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  • 2 weeks later...

M31 last year was my first 'proper' go at DSO's with lights, darks, flats etc.    Canon 70D with Sigma 150mm lens on camera tripod with no tracking, short exposures(4-6seconds, hence trailing on stars) at ISO3200 and processed to almost within a inch of itss life.

I have thought about getting a half decent ap set-up but it seems like something I'd swear by, or swear at!


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  • 2 weeks later...

This was my very first attempt at DSOs. M81 & M82

Taken on 23rd March 2020.

This is the results of 3 15 second unguided subs of M81 & M82. ASI294MC Pro on ED80. Had no idea then how to do calibration frames.

I was blown away by just seeing anything on the screen!


Edited by oymd
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I have too many film image packages to go back and find my first DSO but i got my first film camera a Pentax K1000 SLR back in November 2002 and this was my first successful capture . A Leonid meter going through Orion constellation .



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, this is my first attempt - M81 & M82 taken on 16/04/20. I used a Nikon D750, SW Esprit 100ED. It was unguided and something like 150 x 10 second at ISO 1000.


M82 New 2


M82 Crop


Edited by glafnazur
Images not showing
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  • 2 weeks later...

My first attempt at DSO. My fourth astrophoto ever! I need some flats desperately and not to spend too long messing with colours. I like some of the detail in M82 tho. Considering the cloud came in early last night and this is only 15 minutes of exposure.

M81+82 final.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

My first ever DSO!

M101 with a very cheap (£30) Canon 75-300mm kit lens at 300mm f5.6 mounted on a HEQ5 pro.

Date: 14/6/2020

Lights: 28 x 90sec, ISO 800

Darks: 16

Bias: 60

Flats: Nil


Stacked in DSS and processed in PS CS6


Lots of faff to get this one, first polar aligned to a pseudo-polaris, then star aligned to a pseudo-arcturus, must’ve been around an hour of messing around before data capture, must continue to practice! 


Happy to receive feedback. If anyone wants to have a go with the data, I’m happy to email across the stacked TIF.




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8 hours ago, R1k said:

My first ever DSO!

M101 with a very cheap (£30) Canon 75-300mm kit lens at 300mm f5.6 mounted on a HEQ5 pro.

Date: 14/6/2020

Lights: 28 x 90sec, ISO 800

Darks: 16

Bias: 60

Flats: Nil


Stacked in DSS and processed in PS CS6


Lots of faff to get this one, first polar aligned to a pseudo-polaris, then star aligned to a pseudo-arcturus, must’ve been around an hour of messing around before data capture, must continue to practice! 


Happy to receive feedback. If anyone wants to have a go with the data, I’m happy to email across the stacked TIF.




excellent 1st DSO... runs rings all over my first DSO....

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