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Everything posted by R1k

  1. About 6 hours of data from last week First time using pixinsight which was incredibly useful in linear stages ASKAR FRA400 at 280mm f3.9 294MM pro Optolong 3nm SHO filters full frame with minimal crop and 2 selected crops
  2. Equipment: - Skywatcher EQ6-R pro - AKSAR FRA400 with 0.7x reducer (f3.9) - ZWO 32mm f4 guidescope + ASI 120MM-mini - ZWO ASI 294MM pro - ZWO EAF - Optolong 36mm RGB filters, Optolong 3nm 36mm Ha filter - Pegasus Powerbox advance Acquisition: - Lights, Ha 23 x 300s, RGB 20 x 180s, total integration 225 minutes - Darks: 30 - Flats: 20 per filter - Darkflats: 20 per filter Processing: - Stack and calibrate al subframes in APP - Light pollution removal and batch crop on Ha, R, G and B stacks - Combine as HaRGB, star colour calibrate - Save stretched version of Ha alone and HaRGB as 16bit TIFFs - HaRGB file in PS – noise xterminator, starxterminator, create star mask, saturation, vibrance, light stretch - Ha file in PS – noise Xterminator, starXterminator, curves, ACR, contrast - Use processed Ha file as luminance on starless HaRGB file at 25% opacity - Further sharpening and adjustments using Topaz AI and a series of masked high pass filters - On Star only layer, minimisation using highlights selection and minimum filter - Add stars back into main image using blend mode “linear dodge, add” - Crop to taste hi res: https://www.astrobin.com/2rhh8c/
  3. Thank you Olly! I recall your version from last year well - something for me to aim for in the future! although technically HaRGB, the Ha was only very slightly used in channel combination, it’s effectively a true colour image hence why the brown dusty areas may have turned out the way they did.
  4. Wouldn't normally re-post but have re-processed this image paying much more attention preservation of the core. Here is the updated version!
  5. Thanks Craig, it’s occasionally a pain to use but when all works, it’s a great scope!
  6. Orion Nebula in HaRGB This hustling and bustling neighbourhood 1,400 light years distant is brimming with towering pillars of gas and dust that are home to fledgling stars. Shot over two nights this week from my home in Bortle 6 NW England. Equipment: - Skywatcher EQ6-R pro - Skywatcher 10 inch f4 Quattro - Skywatcher Aplanatic coma corrector - Skywatcher Evoguide 50ED + ZWO ASI 120MM-mini - ZWO ASI 294MM pro - ZWO EAF - Optolong 36mm 3nm Ha filter, Optolong RGB filters - Pegasus Powerbox advance Acqusition: - Lights, Ha: 20 x 300s, 50 x 15s each of RGB - Darks: 30 - Flats: 10 per filter - Darkflats: 10 per filter
  7. Cocoon Nebula in RGB Equipment: Skywatcher EQ6-R pro Skywatcher 10 inch f4 Quattro Skywatcher Aplanatic coma corrector Skywatcher Evoguide 50ED + ZWO ASI 120MM-mini ZWO ASI 294MM pro ZWO EAF Optolong 36mm RGB filters Pegasus Powerbox advance Acqusition: Lights, R: 34 x 180s, G: 33 x 180s, B: 33 x 180s (total integration 5 hours) Darks: 30 Flats: 30 Darkflats: 0
  8. Would you be able to provide some insight into your denoise workflow?
  9. Western Veil, 250mm f4 newt 294MM PRO 12x300s Ha 19x300s Oiii
  10. First light last night for my Optolong 3nm Narrowband filters. Nebula combined as HOO, Stars R=Ha, G=0.25Ha+0.75Oiii, B=Oiii 19 x 5 min Ha 14 x 5 min Oiii (so much more needed) 250mm f4 newt 294MM-pro
  11. Thanks very much. Nothing particular for the diffraction spikes. They are there and more evident on the brighter stars in the field of view I have cropped out. The stars within this cropped FoV are quite dim so they just don't show up.
  12. Thanks Olly! Big fan of your work so means a lot. I will have a think about shorter subs (maybe next year now) for a HDR approach. Thanks again for the feedback
  13. I really do love it. Has been a game changer for me!
  14. First light for a new-to-me ASI294MM-pro. 20 x 3minutes lum on M51 with a 250SW quattro. Bortle 6 NW england. Darks but no other cali frames.
  15. What an incredible area of sky! 23/4/22 and 24/4/22 Total integration 8 hours 8 minutes with a Skywatcher 10" f4 newt and 294MC-pro (112 x 2min + 88 x 3min)
  16. Native resolution. Image scale is 0.96 arc sec/ pixel. thanks very much, I’m so pleased with this setup.
  17. Is this CC correct for your scope? My understanding is that it is only for f4 newts
  18. Thanks! Yeh I’m a big fan of this framing. I’m looking forward to seeing your result 🙂
  19. Started on a new target last night. I absolutely love this area of the sky surrounding M106 - so much to see, photograph and discover. Will hopefully add much more to this (including some Ha) in the coming weeks. 210 minutes, 294MC pro, 10" f4 newt, Bortle 6
  20. Fantastic images! Which Meade 8 inch SCT was used? How dark are your skies?
  21. This looks like something that you won’t be able to sort without expert help. If the scope is in warranty definitely contact explore scientific for help. Otherwise ES Reid who is an optics expert in south England can normally help for a fee.
  22. Thanks all. Very useful comments. This is all shot with a 294MC pro and Optolong L-pro, so no Ha to extract! Was pleased to get some of the ha areas coming through
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