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Mars & Observing the Red Planet


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Highly interesting post from you again.

I need to read it many times though, to try to get the info to stick to my somewhat mediocre brain..

Forgive me for asking these novice questions (especially if you`ve already have covered these questions in the post  :icon_redface: )

1. If I was walking by foot on Mars, I would not see when I 'entered' Syrtis Major?

2. April 2014 : Mars is in an 'aphelic' opposition, it will be perihelic opposition in 2016?

3. Is it summer in the northern hemisphere right now?



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1. If I was walking by foot on Mars, I would not see when I 'entered' Syrtis Major?

2. April 2014 : Mars is in an 'aphelic' opposition, it will be perihelic opposition in 2016?

3. Is it summer in the northern hemisphere right now?

Hiya Rune,

With regards to the first questions, I'm no better experienced than anyone else here to answer but will try to make an educated guess.

I imagine what we would be looking for if strolling on the edge of Syrtis Major is something like a transition zone from one type of terrain to another. That's pretty easy to write but I wonder how easy it would be in practice to pinpoint its exact location. Even on Earth where, say, arid desert land and grass land meet, it's not easy to say exactly where one meets the other for they merge very gradually. What would complicate matters further is that any boundary we arbitrarily chose would shift from season to season as storms whirled and kicked about that imaginary line.

However, the notion of a transition zone assumes there would be something like a transition zone and I'm not entirely convinced we would really find one on Mars. Sure, there would be something of the sort around the poles, for example, but elsewhere, technically speaking, a desert is described as an area having an annual rainfall of less than 300mm, so Mars is a kind of gigantic desert. The dark and light features we see through our telescopes is an albedo effect - the way we see the sunlight reflected on the surface - but I wonder how real that would actually be if we were on Mars taking our stroll  :grin:

You're quite right in number 2. This year we're enjoying an Aphelic Oopposition. Mars at its maximum is around 15” arcseconds in apparent size and its North Polar Cap is tilted towards the Sun (and us). In 2016 we will enjoy Perihelic Oppositions but it won't be one of the best.

With regards to question 3, yes. The northern hemisphere is enjoying its long Summer but it's not the kind of summer we enjoy here on gorgeous Earth. Days will generally reach around 15ºC, they may have a maximum of roughly 27ºC. And when night kicks in those mild temperatures are going to drop very rapidly to something like a fresh 140ºC below zero and even reach as low as minus 150ºC :eek: .

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Thank you for taking your time answering me, much appreciated.

As I said in my first post on this thread, I need to come back and read it again and again...

But now I`m positive that I saw the northern polar cap with my Orion XT8i  night of april 9th ( upside down image still confuses me and my memory a bit, sketching might not be such a bad idea..)

Again Thanks


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Hiya Richard. Thank you for your kind message. I don't have any site or any other place I write. SGL is my only on-line haunt. I take notes on the stuff I'm interested in and swot a little as a kind of hobby and then from time if I think it might be SGL fitting, I'll post something up here, or send something off to those interested. For many years my main interest has been philosophy but recently I've been getting into more 'earthy' subjects. If you let me know the kind of thing you're interested in, I might have something I can pass on :grin: .

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