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Celestron X-Cel LX Series


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I have the 5, 7, 12 and 18mm X-Cel LX EPs. All of them perform very well and give good clear images and I am considering completing the set. The 9mm and 25mm would obviously work with my scope/location, but is it worth having a 2.3mm EP in the UK?

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The X-Cels are really nice eyepieces but I reckon you've already got a nice range of EPs, DRT. As Jules and Yong have said, it just isn't worth the expense especially in light of your Barlow collection  :smiley: 

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I have had all of the X CEL LX series at one point or other, very good they are too. I say all of them, all except the 2.3mm, I very much I would have a use for one, a tad too much. A 4.8mm Nagler giving me 224x is quite enough for me, especially for Jupiter.

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I really like the X-Cel LX's alot, but never got the 2.3mm since I doubt it would get much use. When I had the Heritage 130P, I did (2x) barlow the 7mm to push magnification a bit and for me it usually was the sweet spot on Jupiter, Saturn and the moon. Still do it with my 6" newt sometimes.

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I had the chance to use my X-Cel LX 3x Barlow for the first time to look at Jupiter tonight and had really clear and crisp views with both the 12mm and 18mm EPs. I tried the 7mm but couldn't get a good focus, which confirms the 2.3mm would be a waste of money.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have now added the 9mm and 25mm EPs to my collection of X-Cel LX's.

The 25mm is great for finding things, although not as useful as my 30mm and 40mm Omnis. The 9mm X-Cel is the best EP I have for viewing Jupiter with my 200p Dob. It seems to have just the right balance of magnification, focus and contrast.

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The 25 mm is a dog I had one it was horrible I both my scopes a 5" edt and a 9.25" sct just terrible got my money back


I know two guys with the 25mm and both use the EP's with SCT 10" Scopes , both seem happy with their performance , what was it you didn't find favourable about them ?
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I know two guys with the 25mm and both use the EP's with SCT 10" Scopes , both seem happy with their performance , what was it you didn't find favourable about them ?

Field rotation stars bloated. Around the edges both my scope s are well co laminated as well ,I did not like them I no lots who have had the same I may have got a duff one


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I've decided on the xcels for my SW 120mm f/5 frac from the good reviews I've got, I've read there great planetary eyepieces, can anyone who's owned these let me know how they are for deep sky observing? Looking at getting the 5,9,12 and 18mm and 25mm

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I've decided on the xcels for my SW 120mm f/5 frac from the good reviews I've got, I've read there great planetary eyepieces, can anyone who's owned these let me know how they are for deep sky observing? Looking at getting the 5,9,12 and 18mm and 25mm

I found them perfectly okay for dso viewing. However personally I never noticed any improvement over the starguiders I had previous .

Both good for price.

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@Russko13 I'd recommend Baader Classic Otho 18mm instead of Xcel 18mm, if it's not must be one singld brand EPs. I've not look through a Xcel, but from the recommendations I've read, Xcels are about the same as BST Starguiders, and my experience is that BCO are sharper and more constrasty than BST.

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I have the 5, 7, 12 and 18mm X-Cel LX EPs. All of them perform very well and give good clear images and I am considering completing the set. The 9mm and 25mm would obviously work with my scope/location, but is it worth having a 2.3mm EP in the UK?

I also have a set of XL's and they are excellent. You have a nice line up of scopes, EP's and accessories but do yourself a favour , if you haven't already, and get at least one 2" low power, wide field EP for some awesome " hanging in space " views on those great seeing nights. You don't have to spend a lot of money, in Canada about $70, to get say a 32mm, FMC, 70 Deg EP. You won't regret it and it will help to complete your collection !
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The 25 mm is a dog I had one it was horrible I both my scopes a 5" edt and a 9.25" sct just terrible got my money back


That's a bit strange I found the 25mm an excellent eyepiece :smiley:  mind you I found the whole range very good.

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I've just bought 3 of them to make my set: 7mm, 12mm and 18mm. Tried them out on Jupiter last night in various combos with Barlows and filters. Will post a full review this evening or as soon as I can. Bottom line: very pleased with them, and yes I think the 2.3mm would be a waste of money unless you live in Caithness.


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