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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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10 minutes ago, Soupy said:

Derek I've tried jungle formula midge spray up there and the midges don't seem to care! They are Kielder SAS midges I think, they just keep coming back for more blood! :evil7:

Skies were almost clear last night but there was some very high cloud just damping them out, could barely make out the Pleiades, you did well to get the Galileans Damian.

Never found Jungle a Formula to work. In fact worse than useless. Smidge works for me and the little so and so's eat me alive normally. It is safe as it does not contain Deet, which is apparently quite dangerous to us mortals. 

Been to windy here for anything including midges. ;)


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34 minutes ago, Vicky050373 said:

I have a parcel due to arrive on Monday, and I'm getting a tad excited, so I apologise now if we have clouds........

There may just be a little signature update coming soon ;)

What are you getting. What is it. Where's it from. Can I borrow it to see if I need one just spill the beans women 

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9 hours ago, Soupy said:



is it me, or have we all gone a little quiet since this SGL site has been upgraded...?

I think your right Paul since the update it's gone really quiet every were. 

I used to use tapatalk updates were easy and you could look through other forums with just a touch of a finger 

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4 hours ago, Soupy said:

Ive heard about this parcel Vicky, might have to indulge myself... ;)

I'm getting like a giddy kipper. My new WO extension tube arrived today, so when my parcel arrives I can get out there and get cracking on my planetary imaging (when the cloud gods have forgiven me, that is).

Hmmmm, what might I be getting??

Soupy, you know, and so does Adam........

Might just be getting a couple of new planetary imaging cameras ;)

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1 hour ago, adam_sage said:

Thought i would upload my very first astrophotography shot. Before and after some processing, i know its not great but its a start right? 


Great start there Adam. You'll soon get cracking, and just remember focus is key. Every image you take, zoom right in and check your focus. If it is off, delete the image right away. No point keeping unusable stuff. Get into the habit of checking focus after every image. 

Fab job on the LP reduction btw. Processing is a whole skill in itself. Brilliant stuff.

Fitted my new WO extender into my flight case with the rest of my kit. Even this little bit of kit just screams WO quality. So tactile :)



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Thinking of heading over to green witch shortly much to the dissaproval of the mrs ha! Thinking of getting a colimator and a 3x barlow (if i had 2 grand id be getting an eq6 pro and another scope but hey ho) silly idea to get married this year i should have got my priorities right haha!

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Ye just spoke to vicky and she said it closes which sucks but i can go dyring the week, im not going to invest ( apart from odd little inexpensive bits) as i think there is not too much point going crazy until ive got an NEQ6 

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9 hours ago, Soupy said:

Ive heard about this parcel Vicky, might have to indulge myself... ;)

Gain's Astro Emporium Open!!!! Haha


the cameras in question are the QHY5LII mono and colour versions. They are excellent guide and planetary cameras with high frame rates.

up until last week they were £229 and £185 but there is currently a special sale on them at £139 and £129 which is a remarkable discount for such advanced cameras. 

If you are interested then get in touch and I may get you a further discount :-)


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Morning all, just thought I'd let you all know I'm still alive. Looking at the weather I'm assuming there's going to be little to no observing tonight :( This working nights during the week thing is becoming the biggest PITA.... 

Vicky D 

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I used to use tapatalk lots but since that's gone I just don't bother reading on here now. Plus I've been so busy with work and family stuff I've not had the time either lol :) 

I still get email alerts so I'll still read them. 

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2 hours ago, adam_sage said:

Thinking of heading over to green witch shortly much to the dissaproval of the mrs ha! Thinking of getting a colimator and a 3x barlow (if i had 2 grand id be getting an eq6 pro and another scope but hey ho) silly idea to get married this year i should have got my priorities right haha!

Adam - you need to have a serious talk with yourself and get your priorities sorted!


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5 hours ago, cosmicbug said:

This site needs some 

22 minutes ago, Soupy said:

Just think though, it could be worse, telees are not exactly cheap! ;)


Cheers! Ive just bought myself that ccd that gain was talking about which i jumped on at the right time as its gone back up in price!


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22 hours ago, Vicky050373 said:

I have a parcel due to arrive on Monday, and I'm getting a tad excited, so I apologise now if we have clouds........

There may just be a little signature update coming soon ;)

I like parcels arriving , so understand the excitement Vicky, I am in the early stages of saving some pennies for my next big buy, 2 items in total  then that's it as far as the big bucks go , Now I just need to develop a subtle approach on the subject to my dearly beloved Delia lol, or come straight out with it as she can read me like a book lol.

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19 hours ago, adam_sage said:

Thought i would upload my very first astrophotography shot. Before and after some processing, i know its not great but its a start right? 


Looks good for your first attempt Adam well done, I don't know anything about Astro imaging but it seems you are off the ground up & running , well done , 






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