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Everything posted by Freddie

  1. To ensure good tracking with the CPC you need to ensure it is PERFECTLY level.
  2. You would be better served with an OAG on a 9.25
  3. It strikes me that the problem with your images is that however many likes you get you will always want more and therefore you will never be happy with your image. Over the months you have made many comments about the likes you get (or don’t get) and threatened to leave the forum at one stage as people weren’t giving you the approval you were looking for through your images. Maybe its time to determine what number of likes would satisfy your need for praise from others and once you have made changes to the image to achieve that number you can move on to your next target. Hope these thoughts help you come to terms with this as the number of likes appears to be something you spend a lot of time worrying about.
  4. There’s nothing there to buy so that shouldn’t be so expensive and it can’t cost much in postage to ship nothing!!!😀
  5. Does the mount actually complete the calibration or does it fail and give these messages? Obviously if it does not successfully calibrate, it won’t guide.
  6. How is your calibration? You make no mention of that.
  7. How is your PA? You make no mention of how you do it or how good it is.
  8. You’ll need to post this on the CN forum if you want input from the CN community!!!😀
  9. Going to need a bit more info. than that. How is your guiding set up, ST4 or Eqmod? Guide scope or OAG? Cam? How was the calibration? etc etc etc
  10. Are you sure your PA is good? If it was, you would only expect to need big guide commands to RA if it was a mechanical or software issue. From the screen shot, the DEC error is greater than RA so that would indicate that your PA is somewhat off. There are some interesting comments about Dark Frame on the forum that would be worth reading.
  11. No, wavelets can also be used on mono.
  12. No need for darks for each filter (no light is coming through so it doesn’t matter which filter is there) Darks only need to match temp and exposure.
  13. In a bit more detail...... Open your master dark. Select “arithmetic” and then “clamp” (that’s what it says in my AA5, though should be clip) and then “minimum”. Now type 2000 in the left hand box and then “ok”. Save this file as your defect map. When stacking, place the files in the boxes as described above.
  14. In AA you use arithmetic > clip to clip 2000ADU off the bottom of your master dark to create your defect map. That then goes in the defect map section and your master bias goes in the master dark section.
  15. I did check your sig. before posting that but didn’t see it listed. As others have said, the C8 is a nice scope for planetary but they are a bit on the low side for decent images. Have you compared your results with what other C8 users in the North of the northern hem. are getting?
  16. You don’t need the edge for planetary so that would save a bit.
  17. Very nice results there. What needed to be fixed to cure the noisy mount and other than what can be seen here, how is it performing?
  18. This is not correct. The reference frame is the frame against which all other stacked frames will align. It is used so that you can use a single reference frame from a set of R,G and B images to ensure the individual stacks are aligned to each other. The reference frame is not used as the standard against which other frames are scored.
  19. They are two completely different things. The ISS passes across in seconds, the Mercury transit takes hours. As you say you want to practice for the Mercury transit, imaging the ISS is not relevant you just need to do a standard image of the sun and Mercury will be a very slow moving black dot so no special imaging is required.
  20. Sorry, I wasn’t too clear there as I was replying to the request from fwm891. If using the Windows version, there is a text file in the download that explains all.
  21. Are you referring to the PI version or the Windows batch file version?
  22. Not bad, half right!!! I did wonder if they had been swapped around by accident but obviously not. Very odd though if they are the originals to not go beyond 50 deg.
  23. I believe the front and back bolts are different lengths so swapping them could help. Though it is also possible that I am completely wrong!!
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