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Everything posted by Freddie

  1. This is a bit like saying "my car is not working, how can I fix it" !!!! If you provide some detail about the mount, guide system etc etc etc I'm sure some help can be provided.
  2. I'll download and have a go later. Thanks for issuing the update.
  3. Nice, though you do have a bit of a blue/green halo. Would be better to post images in the imaging section rather than observing.
  4. New version also available. See my post in Imaging-planetary.
  5. https://github.com/CorBer/waveSharp/releases/tag/v002_3 Wasn’t sure whether to put this here or in software but as it will mostly be used for planetary imaging, thought it may as well go here. This new version is cut down so is just for wavelets and does not include stacking because most people don’t stack in R6.
  6. I don’t get the cable routing. Looks like the inputs are all on the moving part of the RA axis.
  7. I would follow Malc's advice to follow Geoff's advice if I were you.
  8. Nice image but I would ditch the eyepiece and pop in a 2x Barlow.
  9. I think you are mixing up resolution with image size. Image resolution, as described by "Lazy" is what is important, it really doesn't matter how big that image is on the sensor. Sensor size does however bring other issues such as frame rate but that's not what is being discussed here.
  10. Why? I believe the Nikon pixels are 5 micron so with a 8SE a 2x Barlow would be about right for typical seeing.
  11. What were all your settings on the cam during capture?
  12. Tip a cardboard box on its side so that it is open at the front and put your laptop in there. The heat from the laptop will keep the dew out.
  13. I would check again or maybe you mixed up the files on your computer but all those pics are through the same filter.
  14. All your Jupiter files look the same. You would expect each colour filter to look slightly different when presented in mono. Looks like something has gone wrong somewhere and you do not actually have R,G and B captures.
  15. Andy has a CPC925 so even with that size scope, to keep exposure low and hence frame rate up the gain is still going to be reasonably high.
  16. You can't use the same settings as you have a completely different scope and camera. The general rule of thumb would be to keep the exposure as low as possible to keep the frame rate up and use the lowest possible gain to achieve a decent histogram. Those particular settings however will be specific to given scope/cam set-up.
  17. I agree FC is good for imaging but you don't need any software for visual as there is no camera to control! I think you are a bit confused, 150 is the aperture of the scope not the FL which I believe is 1200.
  18. Thanks for the info. So a noticeable improvement over the 6 then.
  19. Assuming you guided on both, what guiding improvement do you see with the EQ8 Vs your EQ6? Thanks.
  20. Going to need some info. to go on. What software are you using? What does the avi look like when you play it back?
  21. Taken on the 11th the day after my previous shot. As usual, CPC9.25 processed with AS!3, ImPPG and PS.
  22. Good to see you are still up most mornings getting some nice shots there Neil. Probably the only time of day you will get any sensible temperatures!!!!
  23. Thanks for your kind comments guys.
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