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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Had a quick look at specifications and you might be able to connect via wifi or the optional handset. Ekos does have some Celestron drivers, not sure which you would select in the profile though.
  2. Excellent image, good star colours and definition right to the core.
  3. Blimey O'Reilly, that really must have been overwhelming before.
  4. Really good image, some nice detail starting to show.
  5. Very good for single shots on an old phone.
  6. Lovely image, would look great with some Oiii and maybe Sii.
  7. Excellent work. Time to save the pennies for your own solar set up.
  8. Nice one, star reduction will really help bringing the nebula forward.
  9. Definitely one of the very best.
  10. Astroberry is just an astrophotography based desktop. Main app is KStars/Ekos for automation and image capture. Connect mount, camera and focuser to the Pi and set up an equipment profile in Ekos. Ekos will use drivers to control everything.
  11. All sounds a bit weird. I don't think you should need to attach a screen etc to the Pi to change the ethernet settings. Should be able to do it via a browser at astroberry.local Maybe remove the computer link, change settings direct on the Pi then hook up computer again with the new ethernet settings. It does sound a bit like two instances running somehow.
  12. That is excellent, I would walk away from it now.
  13. Once you get all the main equipment sorted I think the cheapest way for automation would be a Raspberry Pi running Astroberry. You can connect to the Pi and control Ekos on a iPad using Safari.
  14. I use KStars/Ekos and to get the mount and computer talking you have to set it to 115200, it might be something to do with drivers.
  15. Excellent image, one of the best I've seen.
  16. Superb data, first one is definitely over saturated but shows some really good colour possibilities. Your version looks great, maybe bring up the red a little, does look very brain matter grey but the detail is superb.
  17. If your mount is the later version it will have a USB-B socket (like a printer) so a standard USB A-B cable will do. No need for a EQDIR cable to communicate with your computer, you do need to set the baud rate to 115200.
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