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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. I think Bryan is right. Re-assemble and try tightening them up gently a little at a time. If that doesn't work it might be the little round plastic bit in the middle is worn.
  2. Stunning image, love the rich golden red hues.
  3. It might have but now my understanding of IP addresses has been raised by 1% to 2%, I managed to get it sorted.
  4. Cheers Terry, Jason, Dave and everyone else that has chipped in. This set up is ideal for fast connection and especially good if wifi is an issue. Really strange that I couldn't find an online tutorial to do it my way, or at least one that works. I'll write it up whilst still fresh tonight.
  5. It's alive, the beast is awake. Huge thanks everyone it looks like I've got a working set up. Changed the last 255 to 0 in both Mac and Pi, opened a screen in Safari went to astroberry.local and started drivers (set to start and connect at launch), then in Ekos Profile changed to Astroberry.local Everything worked with no wifi connection that I could see, switched everything off then restarted again and it connected straight away. Looking at the fits file download speed it was something like 8 to 10 seconds over wifi but under 0.2 seconds with Lan connection. 😋
  6. Cheers Jason, will change it and try again with the other settings as above.
  7. Cheers Jason, will try it out. I did actually manage to get a connection wired with wifi on my Mac turned off. Everything connected and running via the Lan. Then I thought best to shutdown and see if it all connects again, Mac to Pi was working but I could not for the life of me figure out why Ekos now wouldn't connect. Here a few shots of my settings that worked. Mac Lan set up. Pi wired set up. Terminal with IP highlighted that I used in Ekos to connect. With all the same settings now I can't connect Ekos !
  8. Excellent image, well worth all the hard work. Worth trying for some more Oiii it does look faint though.
  9. This could be the key, I didn't put in a IP address on the Pi wired connection. Just looked at my two laptops wifi settings, IPv4 is 192.168.1.xxx (last is different on both) Router is What should I set the LAN wired connection IP's to ? 192.168.2.XX same on the Mac and Pi or 192.168.2.YY on the Pi ?
  10. Okay, looks like I have to admit defeat regarding connection with ethernet cable direct. I've tried this and similar https://medium.com/@tzhenghao/how-to-ssh-into-your-raspberry-pi-with-a-mac-and-ethernet-cable-636a197d055 Problem is Thunderbolt Bridge won't work, LAN 10/100/1000 shows a connection but there doesn't seem to be any traffic, lastly the nmap command this guy uses isn't recognised by Mac Terminal. Is it possible to connect through an old router ? i.e Pi to router to Mac. Just straight Lan connection not over internet. Other than that it all seems to work over wi-fi. Trouble is when I get in position in the garden I'll probably have signal difficulties and the Devolo devices I have are not reliable. Hence the need for cable connection.
  11. A lot of good nebulosity there, does look a bit saturated to me. Even too old to add it to PI as a plug in script? (Might be a different version for this)
  12. I think it all works now. Only thing is making sure I get the remote connection right, IP seems to change. Will drag out my rig next chance I get and give it more of a shakedown and confirm my start up method.
  13. Trying again, stupid error earlier, mount wasn't turned on. Trouble is it still won't connect, same errors as before. AZ EQ6, SXCCD, SCWheel, Altair GPCam3 all plugged in to Pegasus UPBV2 as they were before. Now instead of plugging in directly to my MacBook the Pegasus is plugged into the RPi4 then to laptop via Lan 10/100/1000 connection. Changed the Baud to 115200 and it's connected, just running through everything to make sure it works.
  14. 9600 gives the same results. Looks like I'm a bit stuck here.
  15. Set up a fresh profile and I can now change settings on the mount INDI control. Set Baud to 115200 which worked before, scanned ports and /dev/ttyUSB1 and USB0 show up. USB0 is in use , USB1 fails. Trying other Baud rates. Not sure what you mean, if it's the Scan Ports in Ekos then I'm still getting the same results.
  16. Well I've sort of got it running but I can't connect to the mount. Indi Web Manager says EQMODMount is there and running. Cant alter any of the settings to scan for ports or change the Baud Rate !
  17. Lovely image, theres a lot going on there.
  18. If I said what I really think then I could get banned for life. Anyone know what legal right the FCC has to pollute the skies above countries other than the USA ? If it's a free for all then I'd like to start the commissioning of a handful of hunter killer sats to clear the skies, I'm sure organisations such as SGL, S@N, RAS and others would approve.
  19. Excellent image, a real kaleidoscope of colours.
  20. Couple more hours work then I'll hopefully set it all up for a trial.
  21. Thanks for the heads up on PHD2, I'm sticking with the internal guider as I really like the multi-star guiding. Ekos has been running pretty well on my Mac so far and ASTAP is brilliantly fast. Will look up the Stellarmate options to see if there's anything relevant for setting up.
  22. I think the colours show a certain amount of individuality, I would stick with them as well as a more traditional colour scheme. If you use Pixinsight I think you can save all the processes in a basket and apply as a job lot to any other integrations.
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