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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. I don't think it's OTT at all colour wise, pixel peeping does show blotchy artefacts so maybe just dial down the Topaz Ai a bit.
  2. That can actually work very well, not all the times though as you've found out. It's all trial and error to see what works and it can be very different for another similar target.
  3. That's a stunner Goran, probably your best yet.
  4. Love the colour, looks great at normal scale. I think with some processes it's too easy to go over the top, sometimes repeating an operation at much reduced settings can work a lot better.
  5. A good start, worth getting more data and adding to it. Maybe try longer exposures as well.
  6. Strange, mine doesn't have any grub screws. Looks like a design change and maybe you need to nip up the grub screws to lock the shield.
  7. You can just see in this image that it should be on the rear flange of the dew shield.
  8. Sounds like you're missing the thumb screw, is there no threaded hole near the back end of the shield ?
  9. A great Mars and the best blob I've seen for a while.
  10. Remote via Wifi is one way out but when I tested the Raspberry (using as a server only) it took around 8 seconds to download an image whereas my Lan connection is about 0.2 seconds. You can always use Wifi, run everything on a Rpi or mini computer and connect via VNC to remotely control everything. Images saved on a USB drive can then be transferred to main computer.
  11. I looked into those USB Eternet adapters and I don't think they work. I ended up getting a Raspberry Pi, loaded with Astroberry and set it up as a Lan connection (rather than Ethernet) to my MacBook. I currently have 20m cable but you can easily go up to 100m. I also contacted Lindy and they recommended a CAT6a cable.
  12. Looks good so far, just add more data. You can always scale back the intensity of the Lum in post processing.
  13. Very good, handheld isn't easy especially when you use higher power EP's.
  14. I would definitely go for mains power if you can. A DewControl 5A or 10A mains power adapter would work well.
  15. A good start, get to know your set up better and you'll soon be creating some really good images.
  16. Probably is a dust storm, think someone mentioned it a few days ago.
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