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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. How about having a go at something higher up in the sky. You'll get less atmospheric disturbance. Maybe pick out a few double stars to have a bash at, see if you can capture the different colours.
  2. Are you trying to shoot through the glass ? If you are that can cause all sorts of image problems. Hope we get some calm clear nights soon and you get a good chance to get outside and try. Looks like an improvement on your first tries but keep at it, practice will definitely help.
  3. Usually it's best to do background extraction and de-noise before stretching. Maybe also colour calibration as well.
  4. If you really feel that way, maybe just post a link to astrobin image and don't reply get worried about comments or the lack of. There are plenty here who love to see great images like yours and aspire to get as good, even though they don't say anything.
  5. Two excellent versions. I think the second has it, looks more tranquil. Ha, forgot to hit the Submit Reply tab earlier.
  6. That's a lovely collection of DSO's, well done.
  7. I think I remember one program saying that dark nebulosity will only let through some extreme infra red at best, so red/brown gets my vote but I don't think it really matters with nebulosity. Make it purple if you like.
  8. Lovely image, all the bright stars nicely backlighting the dark nebulosity.
  9. In Astroberry you would set up a schedule in KStars/Ekos at home then once in the field you would connect to its hotspot and start the schedule from phone/laptop via noVNC. It would be easier using a laptop especially if Ekos throws up a gremlin and you have to dicker. If you use a laptop then you would run Kstars/Ekos on that as remote and set the Pi to launch the INDI drivers on startup and you can download the files direct to laptop. The last is so much quicker over LAN than wifi hotspot.
  10. Just a line, most put the process icons they generally use there.
  11. Lovely detail showing, can't wait for the finished article.
  12. Lovely images, nice prom at 10 o'clock.
  13. Nice result for the PI version. I just use the Batch Preprocessing, chuck everything in and press go. The defaults seem to work very well for me so far.
  14. I bought an extra long Losmandy bar to mount my Pegasus box to and have literally just made a plate to fir my Pi to the extension column. Made the plates for the Pegasus so I could mount it crossways and tuck away some cables.
  15. A great start for the Esprit 100, lovely image.
  16. You might have a long wait from Altair, it's out of stock.
  17. Amp glow is pretty much the norm for CMOS I believe. Calibration frames will deal with it.
  18. Lovely image, it's showing quite red on my screen though. Also like your triple rig set up.
  19. Why not just load up Astroberry. Not sure if it uses a full or light version of KStars/Ekos but as above, set up a schedule at home then via phone or tablet link to hotspot to start.
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