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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. I got fed up trying to manoeuvre my tripod out the door with the legs spread open so knocked this up out of scrap. The collars were the only expense https://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Half-Coupler-Clamp-by-Gear4music-48-51mm/2W9K
  2. Just put the prefix as M42, NGC3902 etc. Ekos will sort out filter etc when you tick the boxes next to it.
  3. Very nice, some good details showing.
  4. Looks great, well done.
  5. Looks good, pixel peeping shows up some RGB noise/ hot pixels maybe???
  6. Looks really good, there's a green reduction plug in for PS but can't remember what it's called.
  7. Dew control have this 5amp one, I have the 10Amp version and it powers everything easily. https://www.dewcontrol.com/Mains_Power_Supply_Unit_-_12V_5A/p3099125_20310292.aspx
  8. Plenty of Ekos users here so there's lots of help available. There's still some stuff on it that I have no idea about.
  9. Using the CCD Suitability calculator the 490EX gives you a resolution of 1.06 "/px and the 460EX gives 1.3 "/px. Either will be suitable for your set up but bear in mind that the lower the "/px the better your guiding has to be. I think the guiding RMS has to be half or better than the resolution in ideal circumstances.
  10. I use Ekos on a Mac and it will do almost everything. Platesolving works fast using ASTAP (downloaded) rather than Astrometry online. The new multi-star guiding might just have banished PHD2 and others to the bench. Automatic meridian flip, various focus algorithms, really good Polar Alignment.........
  11. Excellent image, nice small stars and strong colours.
  12. Nice details coming through, more subs wouldn't do any harm.
  13. That's a great improvement, amazing how much reducing the stars really brings forth the nebulosity.
  14. That looks really clean, how old were the previous darks ?
  15. I would say that is much better. Background is smoother and the stars look good.
  16. Usually I get the same message when using Ekos, it's picked a hot pixel as a guide star. Try to pick another manually.
  17. Nope, stack everything separately. Separate dark, bias and flats needed for each camera/scope.
  18. Have a look at the COM Port settings on each laptop and see if they match, might be Baud rate difference. Just a guess as I've no idea really.
  19. A very nice image, stars thrown into the background really brings out the nebulosity.
  20. Very nice, would like to see what you could get with good seeing if it's ever available.
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