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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. 👍 Well done. I was planning the same thing yesterday, but my evening got clouded out! No Venus and Mercury. Earlier in the day, I did a few of the Sun to add to the mix. Got out this morning and got the other three so I hope this evening is clear. My images are not close to being as good as yours being single images with a Canon and manual dob!
  2. I understand working and how schedules can put a kink on other things. Lately I've got to the point that when its something, let's call it unusual, I put in for time off. Believe me, Walmart gives you time off but only when it doesn't affect them and their operation. I've pulled my "sorry, I'm not missing this" twice in the past four years. I hope im around in 2025/2026, but who knows? I hope you get to view this if you can.
  3. Your images are spectacular Craig. I fought a small band of fair weather clouds coming in off the Gulf of Mexico so got very little time to view both planets before Mercury disappeared. Maybe tonight and tomorrow night I'll have more time.
  4. Paced myself so I could stat up past my regular work bedtime. Venus doesn't appear till around 8pm with our crazy DST! It is amazing it can still be so brilliant with such a little crescent showing through the telescope. Viewed Mercury also though it sank rapidly beneath trees to my East. That makes five planets in roughly twelve hours I viewed, not counting the Earth.
  5. I'm amazed by the arch of the Milkyway in your image. What I normally get to see is a band going overhead from South to North. The South end is always the thickest part.
  6. Incredible images. Thanks! Sharp, clear images like these show what our nearest neighbor has waiting to be seen.
  7. I know you've, not sure of the best term to use, come to see things differently than some of us over here. Sometimes, an example just needs to be set. Wearing a scarlet letter is no longer enough. With too many it's become a fashion statement. Need an occasional public hanging.
  8. Thanks for the heads up. I dont remember seeing them this close together. I have imaged them in a wide field together a couple years back.
  9. I haven't been able to pick it out of the glare yet. Still trying though.
  10. Enjoyed all the ISS images. Seeing a really bright pass is incredible. I just wish it would sssslllloooowwww down so it would be easier to image!!
  11. With the moon rapidly growing smaller it's getting closer to twilight before it climbs high enough for observing. This morning was excellent viewing. The air still and very dry for this time of the year. The terminator lay just off Plato and ran down splitting the Moon to Tycho. Seeing how good the viewing was, I turned to Jupiter. Though not the clearest I've seen it, the banding stood out distinctly. Using a 23mm lens I took a few images using eyepiece projection. At ISO 800 I was able to capture the banding and faintly, three of the four large moons lined up to one side. Normally, it's either the bands and no moons or the moon with a burnt out Jupiter. This time of the morning, your window of opportunity disappears quick.
  12. Very nice! At least I'm getting to see these comets through your eyes and equipment. They need to get a bit higher for me. Still no Swan.
  13. Woke this morning at 2:30 am to find beautiful clear skies. But at the time Swan should climb up over the horizon, fog set in leaving only the brightest stars and the moon visible!!
  14. Very nice Lunar images. Interesting seeing your ISO and exp time. I shot a few this morning with 400 and exp 1/4000 just trying to cut down on its brightness. Didnt look bad on the camera live view but I haven't downloaded them to the computer yet.
  15. It's amazing just how bright Venus gets with its cloud cover reflecting the sunlight. I like trying to get a good image of it and hope to see it as it shrinks to a smaller crescent. This was a few days back.
  16. I really hoped to find it this morning after I realized it was towards the East, 13° above the horizon. A tree blocked the direction with my DOB so I got the binos it was already growing very bright from the Sun. Maybe tomorrow!
  17. Me as well. Something about mine in my mouth makes it blink! The lamp blinks, not me!
  18. Very nice Lunar image! And don't worry about trying to compete. I love the excellent images that are done by the very talented members here, but what imaging I do with my simple setup is for my enjoyment! It's kind of like fishing. Oh yeah, it would be nice to pull in that world record, but I'm happy just getting one in the boat.
  19. Great image. This morning the Moon looked incredible, but alas, it was through the windshield as I drove in to work at 3am.😖
  20. Very nice image! I'm a fan of the Moon, so I guess that makes me a lunatic!
  21. Just keep mind when this "mess" is behind us all, you'll have many years to make up for it. My grandkid days are done according to my daughters. The oldest grand is 18, so I guess my next will be great grand! God, that makes me feel so old!
  22. At 27° I just cant imagine it not getting dark at night. My oldest SIL did a year in the Aleutian Islands while in the Coast Guard. Said it took quite a bit of adjusting, never really did get used to it.
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