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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. I'm lucky that the planets stay pretty high above the horizon here. I try to image them when I can, still doing single images with my manual DOB. This morning I used a new adapter for my Canon. Before I had either did Prime focus straight to the 2" barrel. Today I went with an 1 1/4 nose piece and 2X barlow. I'm happy with my first time this way. Am I correct in thinking that's the polar cap showing on Mars?
  2. Thanks for the effort and posting your images.
  3. I had thought the angles would be wrong here in Florida, and that turned out to be correct. Then I hoped they would at least pass close enough to get both in the same image with prime focus. But clouds put and end to that. Took this with my camera, handheld using 55mm.
  4. I'm a do it yourselfer, but no where near your league! My only question is, how many worlds did you assimilate to get all that equipment and technology? "We will make you part of our collective!! Resistance is futile!"
  5. If I remember right, i recall an old family story about one of my distant relatives sitting around a fire, chipping on a piece of obsidian and looking up in amazement, asking "what the heck is going on up there?" "That's not a good sign" he muttered, where as he smashed his finger! 😖
  6. maw lod qan

    New hobby

    Welcome from across the pond. This is one great forum, many of those here have knowledge you'll find very helpful. It might start off as a hobby, but it has the possibility of becoming an addiction! 😊
  7. Out again this morning, moon was looking good then surprised to see where Venus was rising from. I cant believe how much to the North it is from where Jupiter and Saturn rise from. Another thing was even showing such a small crescent, it was very bright.
  8. Got out this morning and I can see the Moon where it comes up over the horizon, unlike the planets.
  9. I'm not sure if it will be visible here in Fla. First, I have trees that give me problems from the observatory. For the Mercury transit I moved the telescope, but if the angles are wrong and it doesn't occult it in Florida, why move it?
  10. I'm in fairly good skies,.but even at the best time of year it takes some time for my eyes to adjust to start seeing much more than the core. That's with an 8" reflector.
  11. Never surrender, never give up! When everything falls into place you find yourself smiling and saying "oh yeah!"
  12. Maybe that could be SpaceX's next big endeavor. If he could master that, it would be a big step towards "mining" asteriods. Only the shuttle had the capability to bring anything substantial back with out it going all sparkly on the way down! 😁
  13. Last week after a thunderstorm it cleared the air making viewing incredible. Another good thing that morning was it was very still. Been some time since I could make out some details on Saturn and the Cassini division. And yes, the four Galilean moons are amazing to see. If you haven't read up on them, check them out. Its amazing they are moving so fast around a planet so large.
  14. Thanks for that link. Even with a poor image, I'd say it is the polar cap!
  15. I see this is an old thread, but I've noticed Mars is growing more visible lately. In the poor single images I have attempted over the last two mornings I believe the polar cap is visible. Has a anyone else been able to get a look at it?
  16. After seeing this, I'm claiming the Sun. Soon every Earthling will be getting their first monthly energy bill! 👍👍 I will post my PayPal information as soon as I have set up the account! Please send your payment by the due date. I would hate to have to send a second notice in a pink envelope! 😁😁
  17. After looking at an atlas I found some time ago and then downloaded, I see it isn't named. In that atlas, it is definitely what I observed.
  18. Lunar viewing this morning was very good. The terminator had already crossed the Apollo 11 area. Above that area and to the left was an amazing lava flow that looked so much like what you would see with a river delta, starting at a point, then spreading out V shaped as it increased in length. I've looked but cant find any information on it being named? Any one know if it is named.
  19. Welcome to the forum. A very nice image for your first.
  20. Absolutely incredible. Makes me think of the song "Woodstock"! We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon.
  21. Yes, well done. It's difficult being it doesn't waste any time going across the sky! I'm still trying!
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